Page 14 of It Has To Be You

He curled his fingers, beckoning. “Come here.”

She stood firm on the sidewalk, lifting her chin.

“I don’t bite,” he said, his smile brightening his eyes. “Unless you ask me to.”


Could she really do it? Curl up behind him and cling to him like a freaked-out squirrel?

Shehadcompared him to an oak…


Maybe it was the command. Maybe it was those damn honey browns. But an invisible force was tapping her on the shoulder, sayinggo with himandthis is the path. Follow it.

She obeyed, taking a deep breath and straddling the bike behind him. Ethan waited until her helmet was secured, then reached for her hands and pulled them tight around his waist. Tight enough that she could feel the heat and flex of his muscles under the soft cotton of his shirt.

“Hold on, Snoopy. I like to go hard.”

One thing was certain: If the bike didn’t kill her, Ethan definitely would.


Halfway there, Indy regretted everything. What had she been thinking jumping onto the back of this death trap because sex on legs told her to?

And now he was taking her to his cousin, the man she was pretending to date, who would immediately expose her.


Great decision-making.

* * *

Fear clawed at her empty stomach as Ethan pulled up to the curb. She racked her brain for an excuse to get out of here. Anything.

Before he’d even cut the engine, Indy ripped her helmet off and sucked in a deep breath. Her hands trembled.

She had never been adventurous. As a kid, she couldn’t even handle the monkey bars. She liked safe. Secure. Predictable.

Taking a risk in real life was nothing like what her writing had led her to believe. Why didn’t anyone mention the nausea or the overwhelming urge to cry?

She wrenched herself off the bike, swaying for a moment, relieved that Ethan was preoccupied with removing his helmet and securing it to the motorcycle. Unlike hers, his movements were slow, casual.

She eyed the restaurant entrance. There was no way she could walk in there.

A whistle sounded nearby, and Indy homed in on the source before freezing.


He looked exactly like his photos— clean-cut, slim, slick— a crisp gray suit and an impeccable attention to detail. Hair, clothes, smile. This was a man who curated his appearance.

She wished her writing was as polished.

He slipped into the cab while she stood, motionless. She’d missed him. Again. But on the plus side, there’d be no confrontation.

Relief crashed over her so fast, she swayed again. Ethan steadied her with a gentle grip on her arms, his fingers curling around her bare skin. A hot thrill burned where he touched her.

“Whoa, steady.”