Page 15 of It Has To Be You

It would be a hell of a lot easier to do so if he wasn’t standing so close, practically blocking out the sun with his shoulders.

Chancing a peek at him, she found his attention locked on her. Heat flared through her body, going white hot when his gaze dropped to her lips, which parted in response, the infernal traitors.

Huh. She’d never seen someone’s pupils dilate like that before.

“Ready to say hi to your boyfriend?”

Indy blinked.

He hadn’t seen Nick leaving.

But that tone, the rushed “boyfriend,” said as if he knew. Or guessed, maybe.

She smiled, reveling in the second of confusion on Ethan’s face.

Good. Let him be confused, trying to catch her out in her— very real— lie.

Indy pushed her helmet into his chest and backed up a step, putting some much-needed distance between them. “I’m waiting on you.”

He said nothing for a beat. Did he practice that stare, or was he born with it? Jeez.

Turning away felt like acquiescence, but she couldn’t help it. She needed to catch her breath without being mesmerized by his penetrating gaze. Without being reminded that she hadn’t had sex with another person in hundreds of days. Maybe thousands.

The drive here had been torture, with Ethan’s firm ass between her thighs. She’d always secretly loved being the big spoon, even though she probably looked more like a human backpack compared to his six-foot-whatever frame.

Nervously, Indy tugged on her paper bag shorts. The restaurant was stylish, the kind of place that probably wasn’t going to look too kindly on her full leg of tats, but it was too late to change her mind.

It was a source of pride that Indy didn’t judge others based on their looks, because she knew exactly what it felt like when someone presumed to know her because of her outside without ever getting to know the inside.

It was the reason she often avoided coming to places like this— stuffy, luxurious establishments with prim people— at least not without covering up first.

“Lead the way.”

Ah, shit. Well, at least Nick wasn’t here. Small mercies.

The door pushed open before Indy could reach for it, and a stunning woman in a white cami dress made her way out.


“Hi, Amber.”

Amber tilted her head. “How did you know where to find me?”

“We’re looking for Nick.”

“He, um, you just missed him. Look, I know we’ve been over for months now, but—”


“How convenient. That’s the second time in a week.”

“He’s sorry, okay. So am I.”

“So you’ve said. It still doesn’t excuse your cheating. Or what Nick owes me.”

Amber blanched. At least she had the courtesy to look guilty.

“For what it’s worth, I would do it differently if I could. I never meant to hurt you, and we don’t want to flaunt our relationship around your family. I’m not trying to make things difficult, Ethan. I’m only trying to be happy.”