Page 5 of It Has To Be You

“If Sermon doesn’t get MVP again this year, there’s something wrong,” she said. “And I was talking about Nick.” The bracelet was warm as she pulled it from her pocket. “He said it was a family heirloom, and it’s just been sitting in a box, forgotten, for fifteen years. They must have thought it was gone forever.”

“So you want to swoop in like the heroine and save the day? What if he’s married?”

Then Indy’s hopes would die a horrific death and she’d never believe in magic again. No biggie.

Indy shrugged. “Then he gives the bracelet to his wife, I guess.”

It was entirely possible he’d moved on. Fifteen years was a long time. He might not even remember her. They’d dated for a couple of years, but that was half her lifetime ago.

“There’s something here, Sash, I know it. And I’m slowly driving myself nuts trying to fix this book. Maybe a distraction is what I need.”

As much as she loved her life, Indy was ready to meet someone. She’d tried being patient, waiting for Fate to deliver her soulmate like it had for her parentsandtheir parents.

The only problem? Real guys weren’t anything like book boyfriends.

Why was Fate taking so long? A little haste would be appreciated. Indy’s thirtieth birthday had come and gone already. On some websites, she had to scroll to get to her age bracket.

She was officially ascroller.

When would she be done with kissing frogs? Each date she went on led nowhere. Every ghosted conversation and dick pic convinced her that she wasn’t looking in the right place.

Especially when guys sentu up?messages and told her they wanted to screw her breasts. Had they even seen her breasts? It would be like rubbing themselves off on a skateboard.

“Trust me, they’re more pain than they’re worth.” This from Sasha, who was naturally gifted with the kind of cleavage some women paid for.

Indy was starting to worry thatshewas more pain than she was worth. Guys would say she was too awkward or too chatty. Or she had too many tattoos.

But her soulmate wouldn’t hate those things.

He’d understand that she got sad sometimes. When the shadows embraced her like old friends, pulling her away from reality at a moment’s notice. Those were the days where she wanted nothing more than to close her laptop, turn off her phone, and shut out the world.

At least she had Sasha. Who was currently eyeing her. Shit, she’d zoned out again, hadn’t she?

“You’re serious about finding him?”

Indy nodded.

“Okay. Count me in.”


It was disgustingly simple.

In fact, it was so easy that Indy wanted to immediately find and erase every trace of herself from the internet.

She had lost touch with most people from high school, but there was always that one person who made it their mission to keep tabs on everyone else, and Heidi also happened to be one of Indy’s readers.

From Heidi, she found Leon, who, as it turned out, had married (and divorced) Belle, who was now living with her sister in Houston. But if her photos were anything to go by, she was enjoying a new fling with a guy named Micky (who sadly had his account set to private).

It was during this detour into the lives of half of Indiana’s graduating class that Nick finally made an appearance.

Two clicks, and they were on his page.

And… he looked good. Really good.

He had aged into his pointy features. Not that they’d ever bothered Indy. She’d actually liked the sharp cut of his nose and chin. They were softer now, rounded, with a five-o’clock shadow that made it clear he was no longer the boy who had broken up with Indy fifteen years ago.

The six-pack said that pretty nicely too.