Page 4 of It Has To Be You

“I need to figure out what I’m missing.”

“And you’re, what, hoping to find your second-chance man in here?”

Indy laughed. “More like remembering what not to do.”

“Process of elimination.” A nod. “Got it.”

Then, suddenly, there it was.

“Oh, wow. I didn’t realize I still had this.” How could she have forgotten?

Sasha took the gold bracelet from Indy and held it up, inspecting it. “How have I never seen this before?”

Indy couldn’t take her eyes off it. Fifteen years, and it could have been yesterday. “Junior year of high school, my boyfriend gave it to me for our anniversary. Nick. I thought we’d be together forever.”

That’s what she’d thought the psychic meant. That Nick would be her happily ever after, but his family had moved away, and he’d broken it off. In a fit of heartbreak, she’d thrown the bracelet in a box and tried to move on.

Indy snatched it from Sasha, set to put it back where she’d found it, but her roommate grabbed her wrist before she could.

“Wait. You should wear it. It’s too nice to keep boxed up.”

Pursing her lips, Indy studied the bracelet again. “Maybe I should look him up, give it back.”

Maybe he’d be single. They’d meet for lunch, catch up, and it would be like old times. Indy would give him the bracelet, and he’d insist she keep it. At the end of the date, he’d walk her home, kiss her, and ask to see her again. It could be the start of a whole new thing.

Fate only dictated who, not when.

* * *

“Oh come on, that was clearly deliberate!” Sasha screamed at the TV.

Sermon was idling at the foul line, and the other players setting up while the red-faced Rebels coach gestured wildly from the sidelines.

She threw her hands up. “Every time we play the Lions, the refs suddenly forget how to be objective.”

“We’ve kicked them out of the East conference every year for the last five years. Of course they’re bitter,” Indy said. “But it won’t matter. Finch is on the bench, and we’re up by twenty-five. They’ve got no hope.”


The Lions called a time-out, dragging out the last minute of the game. Sasha threw back a handful of popcorn and chewed as she bumped her shoulder against Indy’s.

“Spill. You’re in rabbit mode, and I don’t think it’s because of the time-out.”

Indy stilled her bouncing legs and dropped her head, letting let her platinum bob fall over her face. Even cut to her chin, it could shield her when necessary.

“I’m seriously worried about the book, Sash.” It had to be a sign. “Lori said to use my love life as inspiration. And we both know my romantic history could only inspire a horror story. People will think I’m a fraud.”

Sasha snorted and grabbed another handful of popcorn. “They won’t,” she said, her words garbled.

“I’ll be ruined. I’ll never write again. I’m only thirty-one, and I’m already washed up.”

Sasha threw an arm around her shoulders and squeezed tightly. “You might be the most dramatic person I know, and I once had to run three blocks to buy emergency underwear because the lead actor had decided wearing them was inauthentic to the time period.”

Indy groaned. Her flair for hyperbole was one of the reasons she was eternally single. “I’m gonna find him.”


The buzzer sounded, marking another win for the Rebels. She high-fived Sasha. It was going to be another championship year; Indy could already tell.