Page 22 of It Has To Be You

She followed Ethan as he wandered between the shelves, scanning the titles and stopping to inspect, wide-eyed, the ones that caught his eye. An NBA All-Stars autobiography, a historical romance with a clinch cover,Hand Stitching for Dummies. She’d always learned a lot about people by their choices in books.

Watching and waiting, surrounded by the deep, soothing smell of paper, sent a wave of peace through Indy. There really wasn’t anything better. Except maybe margaritas.

When Ethan stopped moving, Indy almost bumped into him, surprised to see him frowning.

“If you’d asked me that question a few years ago, I would have told you it was Angel Falls.” He spoke his confession to the shelf of books in front of him.

That answer wouldn’t have been a surprise. Angel Falls was a popular quarry within the largest state park forty-five minutes east of the city.

“I used to take my bike up every weekend, even if I wasn’t climbing,” Ethan continued. “It’s the only place near Chance where you can see the Milky Way after dark.”

“You don’t go anymore?”

“No. I guess I got too busy with school. Those trips stopped seeming important.”

“Of course they are. If it’s special to you, there’s nothing more important. I’ve seen pictures online, but I’ve never been. It looks beautiful.”

Moving his gaze to hers, Ethan smiled. “Then it’s decided. Name a date and we’ll go.”

Awkwardly, Indy picked up a book, pretending to be interested in101 Baking Tips. “You should suggest it to Connor. I’m sure he’d love the chance to climb outside again.”

“I’m sure he would,” Ethan said, pressing closer. His breath skated over her neck, sending shivers coursing down her spine. “But I’d rather take you.”

She slid the book back onto the shelf and moved away. “Can I ask you something?”

“You can ask me anything,” was his answer.

Indy pressed on, peering up at him. “If you don’t like Nick, why did you loan him the money?”

Ethan sighed. “He’s family.”

“You’re a good person.”

“I’m a fool.”

“Most would say that about me.” She dropped her chin, studying her shoes. “I’m the one chasing my soulmate.”

“Going after what you want isn’t foolish. Wanting what you can’t have might be.”

Indy turned to the shelf, hiding her guilt as best as she could. “Is that how you feel about Amber?”

Ethan’s abrupt laugh surprised her. “No, absolutely not. They’re better off together. Amber and I…” He stepped up beside her. “We weren’t a good fit.”

“Why not?” Amber was beautiful, tall, and, from what Indy had seen, confident. She had the aura of someone who owned a room. Unlike Indy.

She could feel Ethan’s attention on her.

“Where do I start? We didn’t have fun together. She never made me laugh. She disliked my job. She couldn’t understand it when I’d rather stay in than go to the newest hottest restaurant or bar. Take your pick.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’ve been better since she left.” Beside her, he turned so his chest pressed against her shoulder. “And recently, I’ve realized there are people out there who could make me happier than I ever thought I could be.”

Though his words shot straight to her heart, Indy didn’t know what to do with the open appreciation. It wasn’t fair to him. She still had questions about Nick, even if he was dating Amber. She knew that if she never saw this through, she’d always wonder. And Ethan deserved better than that. “Ethan, I…”

“It’s all right,” he said, turning back and picking up the craft book he’d stopped at earlier. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m trying to read.”

Indy watched him stride toward the counter, her guilt increasing with every step he took away from her.