“I’m not enjoying this,” I argued. “At all.”
“Mhmm.” He lowered his head further, adjusting his body without releasing his grip on my hands. “Grace, the sooner you admit to yourself that you’re just as attracted to me as I am to you, this weekend will be far easier.”
“I’m not attracted to you,” I whispered, turning my head away from him, slowly exhaling to keep my breathing under control. “How big-headed of you to assume so.”
“You’re a bad liar, do you know that?” He moved his fingers, pressing them gently into my skin. “I can feel your pulse, Grace.”
“Good for you,” I retorted. “Now get off.”
“Only if you promise.”
“Fine. I promise I won’t hit you again.”
“There.” He released his grip on me and slowly sat up, keeping his gaze on me the entire time. “That wasn’t hard, wasn’t it?”
I scooted back on the sofa and sat up, giving him a dark look. “Don’t do that again.”
“Why? Afraid I might give in and kiss you next time? With the risk you might like it?”
“Not a chance.” I got up and walked towards the door with my heart beating as if I’d just ran a marathon. “Get that out of your head.”
William chuckled as I stepped into the hallway and looked back and forth. “Where are you off to?”
With a sigh, I turned around and looked at him. “I don’t know,” I said, stepping back into the room. “I don’t know where to go.”
He leant back into the cushions, laughing his ass off, and I turned around.
“Sod you,” I yelled over his laughter. “I’ll get lost, then.”
“Wait! I’m coming!”
A Twist of Fate
“This weather is insane,” I said, hugging my cardigan around myself while I looked out of the window. It was dark now, but I could still see the snow as it swirled outside.
It was really coming down.
“I don’t think anyone could have predicted this,” William said, coming up behind me. “It doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon, either.”
“We won’t lose power, will we?”
He snorted. “It’s about fifty-fifty, but likely. This is still an old castle, after all.”
“Should have gone home,” I muttered, pulling my cardigan tighter. “Or even a hotel. I bet they wouldn’t lose power.”
William’s laugh rumbled over my skin. “A hotel would. This weather is pretty insane, even for up here. The media are calling it a snow bomb or something like that.”
“They call a snowflake a blizzard. I’m not sure I’d pay any attention to what they say.” I sniffed and stepped away from the snow-caked window to move closer to the fire. “At least we won’t freeze.”
“Not entirely, at least.” He followed me with his gaze as I plopped onto the floor in front of the flames. “You will set yourself on fire if you get any closer to it, though.”
“At least I won’t be cold.”
“No, but you might be dead.”
Honestly, that was a risk I was willing to take. I was probably going to die soon anyway. If not of anything real, just of pure embarrassment when I had to tell William who my family was.