“Absolutely not, you menace!”
I scrambled for another one, but he was fast, and he knocked away every cushion within my reach, then wrestled me down to the sofa. “Noooo! Let me go!”
“No! Not while you’re beating me with a cushion!”
“You took my cushion!” I laughed, kicking my feet out. “William!”
His laughter was loud and deep and belly-shaking, and it danced over my skin, making it prickle with goosebumps. His hands clasped my wrists firmly but not painfully, and when I met his eyes, I realised where I was.
Beneath him.
Hands pinned either side of my head.
His face mere inches from mine.
His body hovering over me.
My laughter petered out as every hormone in my body sparked to life. Every nerve ending jumped awake, and his grip on my wrists burnt with the same warmth his exhales brushed over my cheeks.
“Get off, you brute,” I breathed, looking up at him, completely mesmerised by his eyes.
“No.” His eyes shone with both laughter and something else, something darker and deeper. “Not until you promise not to do it again,” he replied, his lips pulling to one side. “Well?”
“I won’t do it again.” I couldn’t fight my smile as I lied.
“You’re lying.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“If you’re lying, then I am. Well?”
“I won’t do it again,” I repeated.
“Do what?”
“Hit you with the cushion.”
“Do you promise?”
“Will you let me go if I do?” I tilted my head slightly, making sure my lips weren’t aligned with his.
I didn’t trust myself.
Not with the attraction that was running rampant through my body right now. My heart was pounding against my ribs, and if I stayed here much longer, I wouldn’t be able to breathe properly.
“Do you promise?” William repeated, some of his hair flopping down over his forehead. “It’s a simple question.”
“No,” I replied, letting my lips quirk up. “I don’t.”
“Then I’m not letting you go.” He grinned. “You started this.”
“I did not. You started it with your bet!”
His grin widened. “I bet that it wouldn’t happen.”
“Terrible choice.”
“Evidently.” He dipped his head a little closer to mine. “Now, are you going to promise not to hit me again, or are you going to lie there and keep pretending that you aren’t enjoying this?”