“But you went on a third date with a guy who stuck it in your arse not once, but twice,” I reminded her, retrieving my toiletries bag from my bedside table. “So, forgive me if I question your judgement.”
She threw her hands in the air. “This is why you’re the sensible one in the friendship!”
I fought back a smile. “It’s a free week away. I’m blocked up like hell on my schoolwork, so why not? It might be the break that I need.”
“A week away in Scotland with a hot stranger? Why does this feel like I’ve walked onto a Hollywood movie set?” She sighed and dropped onto my bed, crossing her legs. “Fine. At least shag the guy while you’re there.”
“We’re staying with his grandparents. I’m not entirely sure that’s appropriate.”
Another sigh. “Well, where’s the wedding?”
I pointed to my laptop. “Glenroch Castle.”
She pulled it over and onto her lap. “Nice. This place is fancy. Is he rich as well as hot?”
I set all the things I would need to pack in the morning alongside the toiletries bag on top of my drawers. “I don’t know. It’s his sister’s wedding, not his, but he did have a whiff of money about him.”
“A whiff of money? Christ, can you aristocrats smell it or something?”
“Yes. Like bloodhounds.”
Amber laughed as she explored the website. “Home to the Duke and Duchess of Glenroch. Do you know them?”
“Of them,” I replied, sitting next to her and peering over. “I don’t think I’ve ever met them specifically. I know a bit about their history from my studies.”
“Must have a lot of money if they’re getting married here.”
I tapped the screen. “They literally hire the castle out for weddings. It’s not a hotel, though, just wedding hire.”
“Is that common?”
“More than you’d think. These estates are all old as hell and cost a ton to upkeep. Renting them out a few times a year for weddings and stuff can bring in quite a lot of money that helps keep them running. I know the Duke of Bath does it—his daughter Gabriella just designed a huge new area for their public gardens. I think she did something similar for the Earl of Anglesey, too. At least that’s what she was doing last time we spoke.”
“Lah-di-dah,” Amber trilled. “Has your dad considered it? Weddings or whatever?”
“Once or twice, I think,” I replied. “I know he’s rented out part of the gardens for weddings and photoshoots before. I don’t think he wants people in the house, but there are so many outhouses and barns and people like that rustic aesthetic these days.”
“That makes sense.” Amber navigated to the photos. “Wow. This place is stunning. Wouldn’t you feel like a princess if you got married there?”
“I suppose you would.” I tilted my head to the side as she clicked through the numerous photos of the stunning exterior.
It looked like a dream, honestly. The way the hills and mountains rolled in the background had it popping right out of a fairy-tale, and the loch the castle overlooked was gorgeous in every season.
I knew that because there were pictures of every season.
If you could imagine the most perfect, princess-esque place to get married… it would be Glenroch Castle.
Disney wished it could do castles like that.
Then again, I was also a raging history nerd, so perhaps it was far more romantic to me than it would be to someone who wasn’t.
Amber sighed happily and put my laptop back on the bed. “Well, looking at that place, I guess I can’t blame you for going. I probably would, too, if given half a chance.”
I grimaced. “Will you be all right here by yourself?”
“Of course I will be. I have to work every day anyway, and Mum was saying she wanted to see me. I think Dad is fishing with his friends at the weekend, so I might go over there for the weekend and spend some time with her.”
“Don’t forget to set the house alarm this time.”