And I wasn’t lying.

GRACE: Okay. Let me figure some stuff out and I’ll get back to you.

ME: You’re my new favourite person.

GRACE: And you’re a ballsy bastard.

I burst out laughing and put down my phone. I rubbed my hand across my face, letting the laughter bubble out of me, and shook my head at my idiocy.

She was right.

I was a ballsy bastard.

And now I had a plus one.



On The Road

“I cannot believe you judged me for going out with Simon again when you’re going to pack off to Scotland with a guy you’ve known for all of about five minutes.”

I blinked at Amber as I finished zipping my suitcase for tomorrow’s trip. “I’ve known him for almost three weeks.”

“You’ve spent five minutes of it with him in person.”

“More like twenty.”

“Oh, that extra fifteen minutes makes all the difference,” Amber drawled. “Forgive me.”

I smirked. “I get it, okay? I know this is crazy and I don’t do anything like this, but I got really good vibes from him.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Good vibes? So good you haven’t seen him again in person in the time between the coffee shop andgoing to Scotland?”

“Amber, it’s Scotland. Not Taiwan. Calm down.” I hauled the case off the bed and wheeled it over to the window. “It’s only a week, I’m going to have my phone with me, and I’ll even download one of those apps where we can share locations so you always know where I am.”

“That’s a bit overkill, don’t you think?”

“You’re the one being dramatic about it.”

She paused. “All right, fine. Just so it’s easy to provide that information to the police when he chops you up with a meat cleaver and scatters your body parts through the forest to feed the local wildlife.”

“Excellent. I’m glad we’ve got that settled.” I reached up and retied my ponytail, looping my hair around into a weird bun.

“This just isn’t like you, Grace. You don’t up and go off with a guy you just met.”

“You do it all the time!”

“Exactly! What am I supposed to bring to this friendship if you stop being the reasonable one? I’m too young to be sensible.”

I blinked at her. “You’re three months younger than me.”

“Precisely. You’ve always been the sensible one. This friendship will be out of balance if you’re suddenly the whacky, reckless one.”

“It’s not that whacky and reckless, is it?”

Amber paused. “Well, I’m not sure it’s something I’d do.”