GRACE: Ah, coffee destroyer. That’s one way to remind me who you are.
ME: Just in case you didn’t save my number.
GRACE: I didn’t. Good thing you specified which William you are.
ME: Do you know many?
GRACE: I study at Cambridge. What do you think?
ME: Of course. I’m not interrupting you, am I?
GRACE: Interrupting what? My procrastination? Not really.
ME: Oh, well, as long as you’re only procrastinating.
GRACE: Something like that. What’s up?
ME: Not a lot, just thought I’d reach out.
GRACE: Okay… So what do you want?
I snorted.
ME: Who said I want anything?
GRACE: You’ve text me out of the blue, two days after we met. I’m assuming there’s some crazy scheme you’re cooking up that you want me to be a part of.
She was good.
ME: My sister is getting married in three weeks. I need a plus one, or my grandfather is going to set me up with someone. I don’t have many options, so… up for it?
That’s it, William.
“Up for it?” always gets the ladies going.
Jesus Christ.
GRACE: Oh, wow. You actually do have a crazy scheme. And here I was thinking I’d read too many books.
ME: I’m not sure there is such a thing.
GRACE: Whoa, slow down. You’ll make me fall in love with you if you keep talking like that.
ME: This is ridiculous. Forget I asked.
GRACE: Is your grandpa really going to set you up? How bad would that be?
ME: Have you ever online dated?
GRACE: Noted.
GRACE: When is the wedding?
Was she asking because she was considering it?
ME: The first. In Scotland. I’ll be there for a while, so…