Page 66 of Accepting Love

He has a point. Still… I curl onto my side and pull my knees and arms in so I’m in a ball. “Where’s Cheeto?”

“Ah. Hang on.” He heads for the adjoining room and returns a moment later with my stuffed lion.

I lift the edge of the covers to let Cheeto into my cocoon. “Am I going to sleep in here tonight too?”

Daddy leans over and kisses my temple. “Not a chance. After holding you in my arms last night, I don’t intend to ever sleep alone again. You can use this Little room for naps and playing.”

“What about at home? I bet you don’t want to sleep in a pink room all the time. Do you want to change my bedroom so it’s not so girly?”

He shakes his head. “Nope. It’s how you like it, so it’s how it’s going to be. I don’t care if you want to hang unicorns on the walls and paint it hot pink. If it makes you happy, that’s how we’ll keep it.”

I giggle. “You’re silly, Daddy.”

“Probably, but that’s just who I am. Now, go to sleep so you can play this evening without getting crabby.”

I giggle again. I don’t get crabby very often. He’s never seen me crabby. But it’s part of our dynamic. Plus, the nap sounds heavenly right now. “Daddy,” I call out softly as he heads for the door.

“Yes, angel?”

“I haven’t been naughty since you came to me.”

“I’ve noticed. Does it bother you?”

I shrug. “Will you be mad if I’m naughty?”

“Never. Were you and the other girls plotting something?” He’s teasing me. His grin is obvious.

“No, but…” I clamp my lips shut. What I was about to say will sound absurd.

Daddy comes back to my side and sits again. He sets a hand on my shoulder, stroking me gently. “Tell me what’s on your mind, angel.”

I draw in a breath and let it out slowly. “It’s just that I’m not usually naughty. Not really. I don’t like to get into trouble. I never did. I used to do it at the club, but it was planned. It was a scene. It wasn’t real. At home, I’m a pleaser. I don’t think I’ll ever be the sort of Little girl who gets into mischief and needs to be disciplined.”

His brow is furrowed. “How is this a problem? Oh…” He smiles. “What youdolike is to get spanked.”

My face heats. “Yes, Sir,” I murmur. “Is that weird?”

“No. Not at all. It’s very common. Half of the dynamic of being Little is craving discipline. You can get what you need from me without misbehaving, you know.”


He tickles under my chin. “I’ll just plan it. Maintenance spankings.”

“That sounds silly.”

“Not at all. I bet lots of Daddies regularly spank their Littles without provocation. Especially Littles who are pleasers at heart like you.” He leans down so his face is closer to mine. “Do you know what the best part of a maintenance spanking is?”

I shake my head, eyes wide.

“They can be followed by orgasms.”

My breath hitches as if he’s just told me we could go to the amusement park tomorrow. I squirm under the covers. My nipples stiffen immediately, and my panties grow damp.

“If you’re a super good girl and stop stalling and take your nap, I’ll spank you tonight after the movie.”

I smile. “And we can have sex?”

“Mmm. Depends on how sore you still are from yesterday.”