I shake my head. “I’m not sore, Daddy. I promise.” That might be a fib, but I won’t know until he touches me.
He kisses my forehead again. “Nap. Daddy will decide if and when you’re ready to have my cock inside you again.” He taps my nose. “Orgasms I can promise. Stretching your sore pussy before it’s healed I will not promise.” He gives me a stern look.
“Yes, Sir.”
He stands and heads toward the door. “Nap,” he commands at the last second. “And keep your fingers away from your pussy, understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” More heat covers my cheeks. How does he know what I’m thinking yet again?
Okay, that one wasn’t a stretch. Still…
“Kingston Slade…” Foster rolls my name around his tongue.
I chuckle. “That’s what it says on my birth certificate.”
“It’s so…” Kendric taps his lips. “Important.”
We all laugh. “Hardly. It’s a family name actually.”
“Obviously the Slade part. We’ve all heard of Slade Studios. Where does Kingston come from?” Craig asked. He’s the only one in the room who knew my identity before today. I’d told him a while back.
The only reason I’ve kept it tight at Surrender was to avoid anyone possibly hounding me to listen to their recording or get their foot in the door in any way possible. When I’m at the club, I’m there to be a normal Dom and enjoy myself, not conduct business.
“It was my mother’s maiden name.”
“It’s certainly solid. It suits you,” Foster adds.
We’re in the kitchen waiting for the girls to come back downstairs. They went up after dinner to get their PJs on before the movie. When they return, we’ll all go downstairs to the media room.
It was weird setting Caro’s nightie out for her earlier and sending her up after dinner alone. I’ve dressed and undressed her nearly every time she’s changed clothes since I stepped into her home.
I hear giggling a few seconds before the girls come flying down the back stairs that lead into the kitchen.
Caro brings up the rear, looking skittish. She’s wearing the thin white nightgown I left for her, and she still has on her leggings. Plus, she’s added a sweater. I’m sure she would be chilly without more than the nightie, so I don’t mind.
What’s interesting is that she skirts the edge of the wall of windows to get to me, eyeing the timeout corner like it might bite her.
I chuckle in my head. I’ve seen her do this several times today. I’m sure the other girls have told her stories about standing in that corner. It’s ominous because even though the rest of the floors in the house have been refinished, that section has intentionally been left untouched.
Craig told me earlier that this mansion has been in Roman’s family for over a century and naughty Little girls have stood in that corner for decades. Every time a new generation takes over, they never repair the worn floorboards in that corner.
Caro leaps toward me at the last second as if she might avoid even the thought of the timeout corner if she can stay far enough away from it.
I laugh as I wrap my arms around her, lifting her off the floor so her feet are dangling. I take slow broad steps toward the scary corner.
Caro squeals. “Daddy.”
I look down at her, pasting on a confused expression. “What? Did you see a mouse over here?” I step closer.
The other girls are gasping.
“Do you think this corner is haunted?” I ask.
She wiggles. “Put me down, Daddy. I’ve been good. I don’t need the naughty corner.”