“She knows me better than I know myself. She gets me out of everything. She doesn’t need a code word.”
“Then I’ll strive to reach that level of excellence.” He winks at me before opening the door and unfolding himself from the inside of his fancy sports car. He wasn’t kidding. He did have to fold himself into it.
The door on my side opens far too quickly, and when I glance up, I notice we’re in a valet line. By the time I remove my seatbelt, Kingston is there reaching for my hand instead of the attendant. He helps me out, speaks to the valet, and leads me to the entrance.
The scent of red sauce fills my nose, and I realize we’re in a quaint Italian restaurant I’ve never heard of. It’s slightly upscale, and the maître d’ immediately addresses Kingston by name.
“Mr. Slade. So good to see you. I have your table ready.”
Kingston keeps both hands on me at all times, one on my lower back, the other reaching across to hold my hand. I feel protected just like he said I would. It’s calming.
We follow the maître d’ through the full tables of patrons until we come to an alcove in the back. It’s relatively secluded with a table for two. The maître d’ pulls out my chair, but Kingston nods toward him and takes over, helping me get seated and pushing me closer to the table.
“Thank you. This is so nice. I’ve never been here.” I pull off my sweater.
Kingston takes it from me to hang it over the back of my chair. “The owner is a friend of mine. I love this place. I come here often.”
I glance around, wondering how many women he’s brought here. The place is filled with sophisticated women in sleek black dresses, spike heels, fancy hairdos, and manicured nails. I don’t fit in.
Kingston sits close to me, his knee touching mine. “You look beautiful, Little one,” he whispers.
I wonder if he’s read my mind.
“I’m not…” I swallow and glance around again.
“You’re perfect.”
“People are looking at you.”
He grabs my hand and settles it over his thigh. “They’re jealous of my date.”
I lift my brows. “They’re wondering what the hell you’re doing with me.”
His brows lift higher than mine and he switches so he can hold one against the table and set the other on the back of my chair. He leans in close so his lips are near my ear. “Do not talk down about yourself. I’m here with the only person in the world I would ever want to be with. No one else in this restaurant is my type. Do you understand that?”
I fidget.
He leans even closer. “I’m a Daddy. Not some of the time, but all of the time. I desperately want to beyourDaddy. I’m very good at presenting a front for others when we’re in public, but make no mistake, I’m always going to be your Daddy. That’s not part-time. Soon, we’ll discuss rules and expectations. You can go ahead and assume one of them will be no cussing. Little girls don’t cuss.”
“Yes, Sir,” I whisper. I’m trembling under his dominance. It’s so powerful that my heart is beating out of my chest. It’s like a dream come true that scares me to death at the same time.
“You look absolutely perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m attracted to you because you’re the perfect Little for me. I didn’t learn this today. I’ve known it for a long time. So, I don’t care how any other woman in this restaurant is dressed. None of them are you.” He kisses my neck and leans back just as the waiter arrives.
Before the man can speak, Kingston jumps the gun. “Hi, Martin. Can we get two waters and give us a few minutes to discuss the menu.”
“Certainly, Sir.”
I never even looked up at him before he disappeared. My head is still spinning from everything Kingston said, and I don’t have a grip on my adult persona at all. I’m not sure how I feel about that.
“Take a breath, Little one,” Kingston says softly when we’re alone again.
I inhale long and slow.
“Good girl. Look at me.”
I lift my gaze to find him smiling. He cups my chin gently and then tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “Stunning.”
“Thank you.” He does make me feel beautiful. That’s for sure.