We’re interrupted again moments later by a friendly booming voice. “Kingston. I haven’t seen you in weeks. Where have you been and who’s this lovely creature next to you?”
Kingston reaches out to shake the man’s hand. “Antonio, good to see you. This is Carolina Fraser. Carolina, this is the owner, Antonio. I’ve known him for decades. He makes the best sauce in town.”
“In town?” Antonio exclaims with a belly laugh.
“In the world.” Kingston chuckles. “My apologies. What’s your special tonight?”
“I’ve got a vegetarian lasagna that’s mouthwatering, or if you’re in the mood for meat, my chef has a delicious veal in a wine sauce.”
“Those both sound amazing.” Kingston looks toward me. “Would you like to look over the menu or does one of those items appeal to you? I nearly always go with the night’s specials, but there’s nothing on the menu you can go wrong with.”
“I’ll have the lasagna, please. It’s nice to meet you, sir.” Somehow I manage the pleasantries without tripping over myself.
“I believe I’ll try the veal then,” Kingston tells him, handing back our menus.
“Excellent choice.”
Martin arrives with our waters fast enough to overhear our orders. “I’ll put the ticket in. Would either of you like anything else to drink?”
“No, thank you, Martin. I’ll let you know if we change our minds.”
Martin nods and disappears as Antonio raps on the table with his knuckles. “I’ll let you two enjoy your evening. Please let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Antonio,” Kingston responds.
He’s still holding my hand with one of his. His other is still on the back of my chair. We’re in a very intimate position, which is probably why both men scurry off and leave us alone.
Leaving us in our weird bubble.
Leaving us to figure out what we are to each other and how we’re going to navigate this new world.
Kingston turns to me. “Was there anything else you’d like to drink? I don’t want either of us to consume alcohol while we forage through this new relationship, but if you’d rather have iced tea or soda?”
I shake my head. “I…” The rest of my sentence dies because I realize what I was going to say will sound absurd out loud.
“You what, Little one?” He’s so close to me, and we’re in this alcove. No one can hear us. A few patrons can easily see us if they look in our direction, but they can’t hear us over the din of the restaurant. I’m grateful.
I chew on my lip, wishing I was a good liar or could even think of something else to say other than what almost came out of my mouth.
Kingston pulls my hand higher on his thigh, gripping my fingers. “I’m salivating for the rest of that thought, Little one. Your cheeks are pink with embarrassment. Please share.”
He’s not going to relent, and I can’t fib, so I take a breath to blurt out my thoughts. Why should I care? He might as well know where my head is otherwise he can’t properly judge our compatibility. Hiding my true self is not going to help my position. “I like when you choose for me,” I murmur.
He smiles. “Good. I don’t want to be presumptuous so early in our relationship, so I will ask you a ton of questions until I know what you like, but I will be more than happy to make decisions for you once I know you better.”
I shudder and squeeze my legs together. Once again, I’m shocked to find that he seems to get me.
I’m not immune to my arousal. I may not have experiences with men, but I have felt the fluttering sensation in my tummy before. Often with this very man next to me. I’ve submitted to him. I’ve always tried to hide my arousal from him, but I doubt I’ve been successful.
We’re in public. He’s dominating me. The scrap of lace panties I’m wearing is wet. The way he’s rubbing my fingers. The way his other hand is stroking my shoulder. His mention of rules and expectations. The way he’s insinuated he will make choices for me…
All of these things are part of my dreams. They aren’t real. They weren’t meant to ever be felt in the real world. I read books. I go to the club. When I’m horny, I take care of myself.
This is surreal.