Page 73 of Chapel Bend

“Thanks.” I follow their gaze and look around the space.

“It’s starting to look like someone’s house,” Wolfe adds. “That kitchen is going to be awesome.”

“I know, I can’t wait to cook in it,” I confess. “It’s still a few months out from being finished, though.”

I notice Apollo frowning in confusion.

“I thought you said you wanted to be in by the holidays,” Tanner asks.

“You see how much needs to be done?” I sweep my arms wide, gesturing at everything that’s not finished. “It’s going to take more time. It’s fine. Come on, let’s get this over with.”

I grab a cordless drill that we’ll need when we get downstairs and then lead them through the future mudroom and down the stairs.

“It’s creepy as fuck down here,” Wolfe decides, making me laugh.

“Now you know what I’m dealing with.” I grab the handle of the heavy door to the mausoleum. “Okay, so it’s not necessarily scary in here, but it’s a little alarming when you first see it. Luna, Sarah, and Apollo have seen it, but Wolfe and Tanner, consider yourself warned.”

“Open her up,” Tanner urges. “It’ll be okay.”

“You got permission for this?” Apollo asks me as I turn the knob.

“I filed the papers with the city. It’s all taken care of.” I pull the door open and feel inside for the light switch.

“Whoa,” Tanner says, stepping inside.

“There’s got to be a few hundred people down here.” Wolfe follows behind his friend, saying, “It’s really creepy that they’re small squares and not regular sized.”

“These are all cremated remains.” I lead them down a row to where Daniel is. “Here he is.”

“Daniel P. Snow,” Luna reads, tracing the letters with her fingertips. “Wow, he was over eighty when he died.”

“Let’s get him out of here,” I say and raise my drill.

“You know, there have to be ghosts down here,” Wolfe says, and I whirl on him, shaking my finger at him. “Or not.”

“Don’t say that. I have to live here, you big jerk. There are no ghosts here.”

“Nope. Not a one,” he agrees. “Although, I live with Rose, and it’s not so bad.”

“No ghosts,” I repeat before turning back to unscrew the front panel. “It’s not even funny to suggest it.”

“I wasn’t being funny,” Wolfe mutters as I pull out the first screw and then move on to the next. It doesn’t take me more than five minutes to remove the front plate, and then I’m met with another one on the inside.

“I guess it’s good that they reinforced these in case water ever got in here,” I mutter as I start on plate number two.

“I’m going to keep this and use it as a marker for his grave until the new one is finished,” Luna says behind me.

“Good idea,” Sarah agrees.

“Okay, this one is off.” Before I pull it away, I take a breath and look back at the five of them. “Why am I scared?”

“Because there are cremated remains in there?” Apollo asks, making me scowl. “Do you want me to do it?”

“No. I’ll do it.” I take another breath. “I need more light.”

Suddenly, several phone flashlights shine over my shoulder, and I can see better.

I pull the plain panel away and find a simple, brown box with an engraved piece of brass that reads:Daniel P. Snow.