Page 72 of Chapel Bend

“I found Daniel Snow down there. Rose’s true love that she talks about in her diaries.”

“You’re kidding,” Luna says, sitting back in shock. “He’s down there?”

“Yes. Grandma asked me to go down and see if her best friend from high school was interred down there, and it’s a true testament to how much I love that woman that I agreed to do it. I found Daniel while I was looking for her and had a thought. Luna, do you remember the night that you and I were talking, and you wondered if Rose sticks around the lighthouse because she has unfinished business?”

“Yes. She seems so sad to me sometimes.”

“What if she’s looking for him?” Sarah interrupts, bouncing in her seat. “Oh, my gosh, this is romantic as hell. What if she’s looking for him, and we know where he is, so we move him out there so they can spend eternity together!”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

Sarah and I stare at a stunned Luna, waiting for her reaction.

“Obviously this needs to happen,” Luna says at last. “Do we need to get permission for this? Because I’m absolutely fine with giving my permission for him to be buried with Rose in the family graveyard on my property.”

“Well, I’m a direct descendant of Daniel, and I give permission for him to be moved.” I clap my hands in anticipation. “We probably still have to file something with the city so they have a record of where he’s moved to. He’s been dead for roughly a century, so I don’t think anyone is going to cause any problems, though. He’s going to be moved anyway.”

“We can move himthis week?” Luna asks.

“Why not? He’s on my property, and he’s going to your property. I don’t see the problem here. But I’ll make sure we file all of the proper paperwork. I don’t want to be a grave robber or anything.”

“This is awesome,” Sarah says and pours herself some more wine. “I never thought I’d ever be involved in exhuming a body, and maybe I watch way too much true crime, but it’s kind of fun.”

“I’m excited for Rose and Daniel to be together again. She loved him so much.” Luna grins. “Something tells me this is exactly what she needs.”

“Then we’ll do it.”

“You’re doingwhat?”Apollo props his hands on his hips and stares at me as if I just told him I’m moving to Antarctica.

“We’re moving Daniel Snow to the lighthouse cemetery today.” I grab a jacket from Apollo’s closet. Over the past month, several pieces of my clothing have migrated into his closet, and I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing. So, instead, I’m choosing not to think too much about. “You’re welcome to join us.”

“Is this the kind of scheme you three come up with when you’re left to your own devices?”

I roll my eyes at him. “This is agoodidea, Apollo. He has to go somewhere, so he might as well be with Rose. Because he’s being evicted from my house.”

“I get that.” He sighs, pushing his hand through his hair, and then shrugs before reaching for his own jacket. “Okay, let’s do this. I assume our first stop is the chapel to get him?”

“Yeah, I’m not excited about this part,” I admit. “I really don’t want to have to go down there again.”

“I’ll go with you, scaredy cat.”

I stick my tongue out at him, but I don’t decline his offer as we leave his house and make our way to the chapel.

“Sarah and Luna are meeting me here,” I inform him as he parks in front of my place. “They want to be a part of the whole process, start to finish.”

“Of course, they do,” he mutters as I get out of his truck and hurry inside. “I guess I’ll tell them that I was driving by and saw you, so I stopped, but we really need to tell them about us.”

“I know.” I worry my bottom lip as I unlock the front door and let us inside. “I know we do, and I agree, but today is not that day because we’re moving abody.”

“Soon. Very soon.” After I’ve closed the door behind us, he cups my face in his warm hands and kisses me in that way that makes my toes curl and my stomach flutter. “Because I’m done being a secret.”

“We’re on the same page,” I assure him as a car door slams outside. “They’re here. Trust me, we’ll get this done today, and then we’ll set up a dinner or something for all six of us so we can tell them all at once.”

“Okay.” He nods once, seemingly placated for now, and I turn to open the door. Sarah and Luna are rushing up to the steps, with their men bringing up the rear, and I step back so they can all come in. “You brought the whole crew.”

“If you think I’m going to miss this, you’ve lost your pretty little head,” Wolfe says with a soft smile.

“Same goes,” Tanner adds as they all file inside, and I close the door behind them. “Wow, June, this is incredible.”