Page 59 of Nightmare's Fall

“I don’t know that I can,” I admitted.

“Then Nightmare might fall, because it’s going to take all of us together to stop whatever is happening, and it will take her creativity and mortal energy to help us recreate what is being erased, if we even can.”

“No pressure or anything.” I ran my hand through my hair and clenched my jaw.

Nic squeezed my shoulder then gestured. “We should get going. They may not wait for us.”

“You trust the jester?”


“You’re sure?”

“He is working in the best interests of Dream. He genuinely likes Ember and her knight, and currently our interests align. I trust him.”

“For now,” I finished his sentence for him.

“For now,” Nic agreed.

My brother faded into the shadows as soon as we were amongst the trees and vanished, catching up to the others by shadow stepping. Grumbling, I forced my exhausted limbs to move faster and hurried after the others, wondering if I could do what Nic said. Could I share Ember with someone other than Nic and Baz if we ever found him?

I wanted to say that I could, for the good of Nightmare, if nothing else. Unfortunately, every instinct I had was telling me the knight was trespassing and that I should rip his throat out and watch his life bleed into the ground.

Warring with myself, I followed after the woman I loved and hoped I wouldn’t screw things up further between us. Only time would tell.


“Holy crap, that’s a floating pirate ship!” I stopped and stared. A massive wooden hull eclipsed the vibrant blue sky. Several masts held sails that flapped loosely in a breeze I didn’t feel.

“It’s on loan from a friend,” Robby said with a pleased grin.

“Are those cannons?”

“Yes, princess. Hopefully, we won’t have to use them.”

“You totally jinxed us.”

The jester chuckled. “Possibly.”

Casey came over to the railing and waved at us. A few beings moved around in the rigging. I didn’t want to assume they were human just because they looked human shaped. This was Dream after all.

“The stained glass on the back is beautiful. Is that normal? Wouldn’t it break in rough seas?” I shielded my eyes from the sun so I could get a better look.

“My dear, this is a dream ship,” Robby reminded me.

“Right. I bet it’s amazing inside.”

“Yes. You’ll love it.”

“Um, how do we get up?” I looked around for a ladder to get us in the air.

“Unless you can fly or step through the shadows, you’ll have to climb.” Robby winked at me.

“Climb what?”

“Princess of Nightmare, surely you can come up with something.” Robby stepped away from me, flourished a bow, and turned sideways, vanishing.

“Fucker,” I muttered, but he was right. I needed to get used to using my powers. I hadn’t touched them since I’d arrived. Instead, I’d gotten snared by an energy-eating patch of flowers that might have killed me.