Page 60 of Nightmare's Fall

I wasn’t sure what Dio could climb, or if he even needed my help, but I knew Ash, Geraint, and I could all easily climb silks, so I called to the essence swirling through the air and pulled and shaped it until a pair of colorful pink silks tumbled from the railing of the pirate ship.

“How’d I make color?” I’d only ever managed black before. I had been able to alter the color of the dream clothing I’d worn, but I hadn’t created the dream clothing in the first place.

“You’re learning,” Nic answered without truly answering. Maybe that was enough. I was learning. It hadn’t been difficult, either.

Ash went over to the silks, reached up, and lifted herself, wrapping her feet and pushing upward. She sensuously climbed up to the top and swung a leg over the railing. Geraint glanced at me, and I gestured for him to go. Nothing would happen to me with Nic at my side.

“I will spot you,” Nic said when Geraint was halfway up the silks I’d created.

Amazingly enough, I hadn’t even considered the idea of falling. I knew I wasn’t over my trauma, but I was well on my way to conquering it.

“Thank you.” I gave Nic a quick kiss on the cheek before heading over to the silks once Geraint had thrown his leg over the railing.

“How are you getting up there, brother?” I heard Nic ask Dio as I started my climb, though I didn’t hear his answer. Maybe I should have asked him if he wanted my help?

When I reached the section where the silks lay against the hull of the boat, I had to work a little harder to get around that, but all in all, it was an easy climb up. After I threw my leg over the railing and stood on the wooden deck, I looked back toward the ground. From up here, the height was dizzying. I gripped the smooth railing and watched as Nic wrapped Dio in his shadows and assisted him up the side. Since Nic had Dio under control, I banished the silks I’d created into wisps of dream essence and looked around at the flying pirate ship. Well, I didn’t actually know it was a pirate ship, but I suspected it was. The ship didn’t currently fly a flag.

A handful of dream folk scurried around as if getting ready to make sail—or I imagined that was what they were doing, anyway. Casey stood up on the captain’s deck and waved at me, a big grin on her face. Ash had already gone up to join her. Geraint was casually exploring, though I got the impression he was making sure there were no hidden surprises.

I climbed the ladder that led up to the higher deck and joined Casey and Ash. Robby stood at the wheel, talking to another dream being, a woman wearing a tricorn hat, beige trousers, a white shirt, and a battered leather vest. Tattoos climbed her arms, and a parrot perched on her shoulder. She, like the rest of the crew, was barefoot. Her attitude told me she was in charge of the ship right now, maybe even the captain. Though since Robby had said the ship was on loan, the captain might not be present.

“This is really amazing,” Casey said when I joined them. “I can’t believe you’re a princess.”

“Ahh, yeah.” I shrugged. “I can’t believe it, either. This is all pretty crazy.”

“Am I really stuck here?” Her voice fell.

“I think so,” I said. “But one thing I want to do once we’ve fixed everything else is see if there’s a way to get you and the other dreambound performers home.”

“I think I’m okay with being stuck here,” Casey whispered. “If you can’t fix it, that is. Even if Robby tires of me, or I tire of him, I’ll be able to make some sort of life here. It is a really cool place.”

“It is.” I glanced at Ash.

Her expression was blank, and I guessed she was trying to hide her own feelings about being stuck here. If she hadn’t been engaged, maybe she’d feel differently. Maybe not. She loved being a lawyer.

My cousin went over to the railing and stared out into the distance. I let her have her space. We could talk when she was ready.

Nic and Dio joined us up on the deck. I went over to Nic’s side and put my arm around him. His cool shadows swirled around us and he hugged me against him. After a quick glance at the bright sun, he pressed his lips to my temple before murmuring, “I’m going below.”

“Are we ready?” Robby came over as Nic dissolved into shadows and sank through the decking.

Casey’s eyes widened, and she stared at the floor where Nic had disappeared. “That’s crazy.”

“Yes, our shadowy prince is quite talented in dealing with the darker parts of the realm,” Robby answered her.

I couldn’t tell if he was being more serious or making some sort of pun, so I ignored him. “I’d say we’re ready on our end, but I don’t know anything about boats, especially flying ones.”

“Ahh, dear princess, this mighty ship.” He emphasized the last word. “Will sail as soon as we are ready.”

“Then we’re ready. Where are we going?”

“We are seeking forgotten dreams, and Baz. Once we’ve located him, we’ll head to Dream Palace.”

“You make it sound so easy.” I hugged myself.

“It will take a bit of searching, but I have a destination in mind.” Robby bowed to me, ignored Dio, and offered his arm to Casey, leading her back toward the ship’s wheel.

“Is he always like that?” Dio glared after the jester.