“Yes, of course I meant it. I’ll do whatever I can to help you and the center.”
She turned her head, resting her chin on my chest and looking me soulfully in the eyes.
“Well, I have a favor to ask you, then.”
“Name it.”
“Just when I thought my center was safe, this huge multinational corporation swept in and convinced the Zoning board to hold a vote to rezone the entire block for commercial purposes.”
My eyes narrowed as a flash of anger ran through me.
“That’s the sort of dirty dealing I don’t sully myself with. But even if the commercial edict passes, your center will be grandfathered in.”
“Maybe not.”
Her eyes swam with troubles. She closed them tightly for a long moment. When Grace opened her eyes again, they glistened with tears.
“The multinational corporation is planning to use Imminent Domain laws to try to force me to sell the center. Their business interests will be for the ‘public good’ or some other load of bullshit.”
I nodded, recalling the Supreme Court ruling which always struck me as the incorrect decision.
“I understand. I might be able to put pressure on the company in question. Or trot out a publicity campaign to help save your center.”
“What good will publicity do us, though?”
I grinned.
“All we need is to get the attention of a politician seeking to rise through the ranks in the halls of power. They’ll attach themselves to saving your center in order to get good press and higher approval ratings.”
“That…actually sounds like it might work. Brock, thanks so much. Not just for helping, but for not making me feel bad or like I owe you for lending a hand.”
“You don’t owe me anything, Grace. I just want to make you happy.”
I can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth. Brock Richards does nothing for free, right? Only that was the old me. The me who didn’t really see the world in all its color and splendor.
I’d been blind until Grace came into my life.
“Oh god, I love you so much.”
She hugged me tight, kissed me hard on the cheek, and nestled in like a cat preparing for a long winter’s nap.
“I love you, too, Grace.”
We settled into comfortable silence. My phone, my tablet, my various computing devices all lay dormant. I wasn’t tempted to get up and check how the markets were doing in Asia, or if that legislation in Macedonia had passed.
Laying there holding the woman I loved was enough. I was not a man who dealt with the word ‘enough’ in my life. I always wanted more. Now I had to deal with the fact that maybe I didn’t need to think that way any longer.
Business was in my blood, but that didn’t mean it had to be my entire life. I could build a life with Grace. A happier, fuller life.
But first I had to save the day.
“So tell me, Grace. Does this big, bad, multinational corporation have a name?”
“Techno Global Research Institute, Unlimited.”
My eyes went wide in the darkness.
“TGRIU? Are you sure that’s the one?”