Page 67 of Daddy's Game

“They get punished.”

Brock growled, and continued lavishing my back with kisses.

His appreciation of me outside the bedroom allowed me free reign to set myself loose inside of it. I didn’t care if he was older than me, or technically had been my enemy for most of our relationship. I didn’t even care about all of the fancy trips or jewelry, and I never did.

I only cared about sharing our time, our bodies, and our hearts. I knew he was in the moment with me. With me and no one else.

He pinned both of my wrists at the small of my back with one hand and reared up on one knee, splitting my thighs apart. Brock smacked my bottom firmly. I cried out, but not because it hurt. Oh no, it felt amazing.

Brock continued the spanking, but never at a blistering level. If anything, it was the best butt massage I’d ever had. My whole body felt relaxed and peaceful, yet excited and aroused at the same time.

I relaxed in his grip, giving my body over to him. I knew he would use that control to make me feel good.

Brock’s hands lingered more and more after every palm slap. He slid his fingers over to the groove of my bottom and pulled my cheeks apart. I groaned at the sudden exposure. Brock stuck his fingers in what was left of my panties and tore them away.

My body reared up as if of its own accord as bursts of color and light exploded behind my eyes. I forgot everything, even who I was for a few seconds of sheer bliss.

Brock straddled me, his body pinning my thighs to the sofa. He slipped his cock inside of my wide open, dripping wet pussy. I arched back against him, my soft cries having nothing to do with pain or fear.

He moved into me, his whole body rocking with each thrust. I grabbed hold of the leather upholstery with my clutching fingers, turning my head to the side so I could see our reflection on one of the glass walls of his office.


Brock rasped out his words between heavy pants. He glided into me with smooth, firm thrusts. I flew right over the edge of another orgasm right as he came inside of me.

I clawed at the sofa, burying my face in the cushion and screaming again and again as my body spasmed and twisted underneath Brock. He collapsed on top of me, kissing the back of my neck and whispering sweet things in my ear.

“Grace, I love you so much. Whatever you want, whatever you need, it’s yours. Whatever it is, I will kiss it and make it better.”

I sighed, content and happy for the moment. As I fell asleep beneath him, one last thought rang through my mind.

Kiss it and make it better? If only it were so simple, Brock.



Grace and I lay together on the sofa, her head resting on my shoulder. I stared up at the ceiling, unable to figure out why things felt so strange.

Then it hit me like a bolt from the blue.

I’m happy. I’ve never been this happy before.

I laid there, perfectly content, and feeling no need to move. When I’d been with other women in the past, I’d always been tempted to get up and start working about a minute after the sweating stopped.

With Grace, however, all I wanted to do was lay there with her. For a man who had spent most of his life trying to accumulate vast amounts of wealth and power, this was more than a little bit discombobulating.

Grace’s breathing changed, and I knew she had awakened. She lifted her head from my shoulder for a moment, as if confused as to where she was.

The light of realization dawned in her eyes, and she settled back onto my shoulder with a sigh. I wrapped my arm more tightly around her shoulder and hugged her to me.

“You’re so sweet.”

Her voice still held the thickness of sleep. I thought she would drift off again, but her eyes soon opened.

“Brock, did you mean it when you said you didn’t mind doing me a favor?”

I stroked my fingers through her hair and smiled gently.