Page 45 of Sienna

The emperor’s yellow eyes glinted speculatively. “Be careful with her, Bastine. She’s a seasoned warrior. You just might have met your match.”

A tingle of presentiment slipped down his spine. His emperor was far too perceptive. “I can handle her.”

“I wouldn’t have sent you if I didn’t believe that.” His emperor rubbed a hand over his smooth, prominent jaw, the striated colors so clear Gray imagined he could reach out and touch the lines on his skin. “No matter what happens, your priority is to keep Sienna safe and close. We need her to trust you enough for her to fully open up about everything she knows.”

“That goes without saying.” It wasn’t a lie. He had no intention of allowing her to escape again. He’d keep her safe and by his side at all costs. Any further information she provided was just icing on the cake.

“Good. I guess you also know that I’ll need you to track some Dronians down to test out your water theory.”

Gray nodded, an idea already forming in his head. “Consider it done.”

His emperor finally smiled. “I’ll have my team work on the atmosphere angle while you put the water theory into practice. Keep up the good work, Bastine.”

Gray bowed his head and tucked his hands together. “Thank you, Emperor.”

The emperor nodded, then tucked his hands together in return. “Comms-out.”

The holo-image shut down and the cube ceased its buzzing. Gray waited until it glided gently back onto the desk before he retrieved it and locked it back away in the safe.

If there was anything to be discovered about the Earth’s atmosphere and what it was doing to the Dronians, he had no doubt the emperor’s team of scientists would be the ones to do it. In the meantime he had his own work to do.

He strode to the door and pulled it open, only to find Sienna standing close—no doubt she’d had her ear pressed against the door. He frowned, though his dick jerked at her nakedness and his pulse thrummed in his ears. “You’re supposed to be asleep, not eavesdropping.”

“And where is the fun in that?”

“How much did you hear?” he asked, using every bit of his self-control not to crush her to him and kiss her into submission, then fold her beneath him while he fucked her twice as hard as before for her disobedience.

Her eyes glowed momentarily, a bright moss-green that might have mesmerized him on any other occasion, but instead added to his arousal. She tilted her chin. “Everything! At least I know where I stand now.”

He clenched his jaw so hard it cracked, his dick harder than stone. “Youcantrust me, Sienna.”

“So you’re saying you didn’t fuck me just to glean information out of me?”

“I never denied wanting intel about the Dronians. But I also never fucked you to get that information. Not intentionally.”

That he could so easily take her now, and possibly cause her hate him forever, was the only thing stopping him from doing just that.

Her face flushed. “I feelsomuch better now,” she jeered.

He clasped her forearms. “Sienna, I meant what I said earlier. I love you. I would never have marked you if I didn’t feel that way.”

She jerked out of his hold and took three steps back until the wall opposite stopped her from going any further. She looked like she was caught between fight and flight. Then she closed her eyes, as though shutting him out would help her to reach a decision without his image influencing her. When she opened them again, she nodded and said with a heavy sigh, “I believe you.”

Relief filled him, even as he ignored the flicker of hurt that she didn’t tell him she loved him in return. He had to believe one day in the near future she’d feel the same way. It was enough—ithadto be enough—that she trusted him now. “I’m glad.”

He drew her close, her feminine curves that pressed against him feeling so natural and right, like they’d been made for one another. “We should get some sleep,” he said huskily. “I have a feeling it’s going to be another big day tomorrow.”