Page 46 of Sienna

Chapter Twenty

Sienna woke, instantlyaware Gray wasn’t in the bed with her. But relief overtook her momentary panic at hearing the predatory, soft pad of his feet as he walked around. That she missed his arms wrapped around her, missed the safety of him right next to her revealed far too much about her depth of feelings for him.

She cracked open an eye. It was barely even dawn, no noise outside except a few tweets from their feathered friends in the trees. Did he always rise with the birds? A half-moon gave off enough light through the window to allow her to see Gray’s shadowy form.

“You’re awake,” he said, though he’d yet to turn and look at her as he drew on his armor, ensuring his wings stayed free. The armor was ingenious in allowing him to restrain or release his wings while still fitting his torso perfectly. He’d already pulled on his camo pants.

“Where are you going?” she asked sleepily.

He looked at her. “I need to test the water theory on the Dronians.”

Every cell in her body roared awake. She sat, her eyes narrowing. “And how do you propose to do that?”

“I’ve glided over many backyards late at night and early in the morning. I’ve discovered many treasures. There are children’s toys in the backyard of one house, the children there yet to pick up their water guns.”

She pulled her knees up to her chin. “And how do you think you’ll find the Dronians?”

He stepped toward his closet and pulled a black T-shirt free. The color would obviously help him blend in with the mostly dark sky. He pulled the shirt over his head and turned back to focus on her. “They’ll be looking for me too, now. I’m sure they’ll find me.”

She swung out of bed, aware of his stare on her naked body. She was tempted to strut and sway in an attempt to seduce him, but she perceived his willpower was already pushed to the limits. That he hadn’t fucked her last night when he’d clearly been aroused even now made her question his motive.

Was he trying to prove his trustworthiness? Did he think she didn’t want him in return? She’d been ready to get herself off by the time sleep had finally taken her away from the lust churning between them.

Hadthatbeen Gray’s intention? Had he wanted her to stay unfulfilled so that she’d realize how much she wanted him in her life?

Heaven help her, it was working.

Grabbing hold of her bodysuit, which Gray had washed, dried, and hung in the closet for her, she dressed while his sharp eyes watched her every move.

“What are you doing?” he asked suspiciously.

“I’m getting dressed, what does it look like?”

“That isn’t what I’m asking.”

She stalked back to the bed and retrieved her rapier from the floor nearby. “I’m coming with you, obviously.”

He tucked some of his dark and gold, overly-long streaked hair behind the tipped point of his ear. She smiled. It was a shame his hair covered such a cute elfin feature, it made him look nowhere near as dangerous and wild.

“That’s not happening,” he growled.

“I’m a warrior, trained in battle,” she said scathingly. “After we retrieve those water guns, we’ll hang out near the river for an unlimited supply of water ammunition. I’ll take on my Strazanian form to lure the Dronians in close. It will give you plenty of time to squirt the fuckers before I use my powers to make them implode.”

“Youwantme to use you as bait?” he asked in a shocked voice.

She frowned. “Of course. Time is of the essence. If those lizard fuckers were to somehow eliminate me or my kind, your people will be next—“

He was in her face before she’d finished her sentence. “Don’t say that,” he growled. “Don’t you dare say anything like thateveragain. I willnotlose you.”