Page 135 of Worth the Risk

“My mom insisted when…” He stops. It’s because he thought of his mother. He rarely talks about her, not after the way she left and hurt them.

“Have you ever tried to find her?” I ask hesitantly.

It is a tough question to ask, and I hope he doesn’t get upset by it.

He shakes his head. “No. I never wanted to. She left us. She knows how to find us, and she never came back.” He stares off past me for a moment, then adds, “I recall Dad hired people when she first left, but the only person who had contact with her was her lawyer. She got a huge settlement from my father and never looked back. If she never wanted to be found, she has the means to hide forever. She could be dead for all I care.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but he’s frowning, and I know it bothers him more than he will ever admit.

There’s pain in his eyes he tries to hide, and even if he won’t admit it out loud, a part of him misses her.

Before I can say anything else, Connor cuts in, and I share a dance with him.

While dancing, he apologizes for what Oliver said at the table.

“Thank you for sticking up for me. I appreciate it.”

“I’m trying to be a better person and not let my troubles interfere with my children’s lives more than I already have. I let my heartache bleed into Leo’s life, and I won’t make that mistake again.”

My heart breaks for the man because it’s obvious he genuinely loved his wife. I wish things had turned out differently for him. He’s a broken man who clearly loves and lives for his children.

After the event is over, Leo and I head home in the limousine. We’re looking forward to a night to ourselves since Riley is with Sierra. As much as we love spending time with her, it’s nice to have some alone time.

As soon as we get inside his apartment, Leo pushes me against the door and attacks my mouth. Lifting me, I wrap my legs around his waist. Kissing me, he guides me to the table and sits me on top.

I thought we would have gone straight to the bedroom.

“Here?” I ask.

His eyes turn serious. “Oh, sweetheart. This is only the beginning. I plan to have you on every surface possible before this night ends.”

And he does.

Proving once again he can go all night.

We fall asleep in the wee hours of the morning, cuddling each other, sated and happy.

* * *

On Sunday evening, I’m standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of Leo’s apartment, looking over the city. Nash is due here at any moment.

With him checking in on Riley and me occasionally, Nash and I’ve maintained a friendship throughout the years. However, this will be the first time Nash and Leo will meet face to face since that awful morning. They’ve tentatively reconciled over the phone, but how will they handle being in each other’s vicinity daily?

Leo won’t say it, but he’s nervous about seeing Nash again. Their last words were harsh.

Leo’s fist to Nash’s face was even worse.

They had a strong friendship. I hate they lost that, and there are still burdens of the past for them to deal with. Leo and I are getting our second chance, and I pray to God their friendship has another chance as well.

Arms circle my waist before Leo rests his chin on my shoulder. This right here is my home. Leo and Riley are my home. I’ll fight for them this time until the bitter end.

“Where’s Riley?”

“She’s in her room playing with her princesses and horses. Speaking of, how mad would you be if I bought her a horse of her own?” Leo asks.

Poor man. He must think I’m a fool.

Turning in his arms, I curl mine around his neck. “You already promised her you would buy her one, didn’t you?”

“Technically, no.”