Page 134 of Worth the Risk

“You could have believed Amber and ran off. Instead, you believed me and stayed to fight for us. I appreciate that more than you know.” Cupping my cheeks, she looks me dead in the eyes. “We’re no longer backing down. We stand together. She stole five years from us, and I’m not allowing her to steal any more time.”

“I love you, Sunshine.”

I thank my lucky stars that she’s here with me now.

How did I ever make it through all those unbearable years without her?

“I love you more,” she says before giving me a quick peck on the lips and swatting my chest to move me away. “Now get out of here so I can clean up.”

I give her a wink, lift my boxers and pants, and put myself back in order before heading to the sink to wash my hands. Kylie is positioning her dress, and I say, “Here, let me help you with that.”

The raising of her hand stops my advance, and I laugh. “No, you will not. We need to get back out there, but if you touch me again, we’ll be in this bathroom all night.”

“I don’t see what the problem with that is.” I chuckle.

She points to the door. “Go.”

I do as I’m told.



Before heading back to the table, Leo explained what Amber meant about marriage. If there was any doubt about how far Oliver would go for his daughter, there’s none now.

As we arrive at our table, Oliver and Amber have no idea that we’re onto them. If we play our cards right, they won’t until it’s too late.

Amber shoots daggers at me when Sophie asks where we were.

“I was getting reacquainted with an old friend.”

I smile brightly at Amber, who glares at me.

After dinner is cleared, and for the first time tonight, Oliver speaks directly to me. “So, Kylie, how did you and Leo meet?”

He already knows, but I play along. “We met years ago and have recently reconnected.” I peek over at Amber again when I say the last word just to rile her up more.

“Our Leo here is quite the catch. Any woman would be attracted to his looks and his money. The money alone would make any woman want him.” Oliver is trying to make me out to be a gold digger.

Leo’s looks? Yes. His money? Not even a bit.

This may be a little uncomfortable for Connor and Sophie to hear, but screw it. “You’re right. Any woman would be attracted to those things, but me, I know he has better um…attributesto offer a woman.” I purposely glance down at Leo’s lap.

Sophie bursts out in laughter, Leo chuckles, and Connor smirks before turning away.

“You could try being a little classy with your behavior, young lady. We’re at a charity event with billionaires. That kind of behavior is frowned upon here.”

“That’ll be enough, Oliver. Kylie has done nothing wrong. You fired the first shot, and I would appreciate it if it were your last,” Connor states with an expression that says he will not take any of his shit.

Oliver wasn’t prepared for Connor to shut him down.

The rest of the night goes by smoothly.

I’m now dancing with Leo, who is an amazing ballroom dancer. I ask how he learned to dance so well.

“I had some lessons when I was younger. It helped.”

“I can’t imagine you taking lessons.” I giggle, trying to picture it.