Page 79 of Waiting For You

I am going to fill him up so much. He’s going to leak for hours afterward.

“Hey, guys?” Joshua calls as he and Hailey barrel inside.

Grey quickly steps far away from me, and I sigh unhappily. I mean, honestly could he just maybe stand a little bit closer? It’s not like I’m going to latch on to his neck and suck. I mean, I am resisting the urge to slide to my knees and suck his dick, but I would never. I would never do that in front of someone else…unless he asked me to.

I’d so be down for that if he was into it. I’m into anything he is.

“We were just talking about where we are headed after you guys take off tomorrow,” I say.

Joshua sits down at the small kitchen table and Hailey scoots in next to him.

“So, where you headed next?”

“Copper Harbor. And then up to the Porcupine Mountains,” Grey says.

“Damn,” Joshua says and runs a hand over his head, so much like Grey, it’s funny. Even though he wasn’t raised by his dad, he still has some of the same mannerisms.

But he’s very much like Karen in how he blows things out of proportion. I get why Grey doesn’t want to say anything about us. I can see Joshua flipping his lid over this. It’s best we discuss how to break the news to him after they’re gone. Then we can handle this like adults.

I think once Joshua is away at school things will be easier to handle since he won’t be as close. Maybe he won’t even give a fuck. I just don’t know. At times, he can be such a wild card. And I get that this is a little unconventional, but Joshua doesn’t understand my feelings for Grey. He has no idea how many years I’ve pined for this man.

“Wish we could tag along,” Hailey says, the bun on the top of her head bouncing slightly. She has her chin on her clasped hands, her eyes watching Grey and me curiously.

A little too curiously for me. I shift on my feet, feeling suddenly a little nervous. We’ve been so careful. There is no way she could know something.

“But I’m sure you guys will have fun without us.”

The twinkle in her eye and slight smirk is telling. My cheeks flush and I feel a flutter in my chest. Dammit. She so knows.

“We will,” Grey says, reaching around me, his arm brushing against mine, and my eyelids flutter closed.

I snap them open immediately and see Hailey’s head cocked.

So maybe I haven’t been as careful as I should have been, or maybe these feelings I have for Grey just can’t be contained. Either way, she knows. I wonder if she will tell Joshua or if she will let it go.

I hope like fuck she lets it go. There is nothing wrong with what we’re doing, and I want to be the one to tell Joshua. Grey and I should tell him together.

She smiles softly at me and I feel a sense of relief because that’s not conspiratorial at all. That’s just someone who sees and understands.

Her eyes shift away, and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

Thank fuck for Hailey being reasonable and mature.

“You guys wanna play another game after dinner?” Hailey asks, linking her hand with Joshua’s.

Grey bobs his head, reaching into the oven, and my eyes can’t help but swivel down to his ass. God, soon. Tomorrow I can be inside of it.

I can’t fucking wait.

* * *

I should tell Grey about Hailey, that I think she knows, but I keep it to myself. Joshua hasn’t come storming into the trailer, demanding answers, so I tell myself to let it go. Plus, Joshua and Hailey are leaving soon, which means I get Grey all to myself in just a few short minutes. And that’s all I can think about at the moment.

I finally get Grey alone again.

Right now, he’s hugging Joshua, saying something to him that I can’t make out, and I’m squirming. God, I love my best friend, but just go the fuck away now, please. I cannot keep my hands to myself a moment longer. They’re starting to grow a mind of their own. They reach out for Grey unbeknownst to me. It’s only a matter of time before I run them up his chest, down his thighs, around his dick.

I can’t stand not touching him.