Page 78 of Waiting For You

“Not really,” he mutters and peeks over at me. I try like hell to school my face, but damn, it’s hard. When Hailey and Joshua take Winter’s leash and jog down the beach a ways, I slow my steps next to Quinn.

“Didn’t know you were considering a school out of state.”

“Yeah, well, I applied on a whim and then turned them down.”

I swallow roughly. “And why’s that?”

He glances at me and sighs. “You have to know, Grey.”

My heart flip-flops in my chest.

“But you must have made the decision to stay months ago. We weren’t….” I let my words fade away into the sound of the crashing waves on the shore.

“Yeah, well I was holding out hope. I knew you’d come around. I knew I had a shot once Kevin was out of the picture.”

I run a hand over my head and glance up, seeing Joshua and Hailey talking animatedly in the distance.

Shit, I’m fucking up more than one life by getting involved with Quinn, but I don’t know how to give him up now.

“Please don’t overthink it,” he says, his voice almost desperate. “It wasn’t my dream school. I don’t even want to go to college. I’d be happy in a studio apartment with you and making art. As long as I had you.”

I swallow roughly, keeping my feet moving forward, keeping my eyes ahead of me. Because if I look at him, I am going to crumble.

“We can talk about it later tonight,” I say and see him shuffle a little closer to me. His hand brushes mine and I resist the urge to twine my pinkie with his.

“Yeah, we can talk more if you want, but there’s really nothing to discuss. I made my decision and I have zero regrets. New York can go fuck itself.”

I hold those words in my head and repeat them to myself as the day moves on, trying to remember that he’s an adult, that he can do as he likes. But I can’t help but wonder if he’s made the right decision.



Goddamn, Grey is being weird. And I’m not much better, honestly. I am antsy as fuck because I can’t touch him. It is a special kind of torture because, after unlimited access to him, I now have to wait until we are locked inside the trailer to touch, to kiss. And we can’t even fuck because he’s so damn loud.

It’s been two days since Joshua and Hailey arrived, and I’ve behaved. I have been the best boy. I haven’t so much as looked at him weird, but it’s getting harder and harder to do. I am teetering on the edge.

Two nights ago, after trailing across the dunes near Lake Superior, Grey had seemed upset to find out that I had chosen him over an out-of-state art program. It took a lot of words to get him to understand that he was what I wanted, that I didn’t care about some prestigious college or a stupid degree that comes with a load of debt. None of that would help me much anyways. I would be just fine either way, mostly resigned to living simply and making art as I traveled.

I don’t need much in life. But I do need him.

Yesterday, we walked through Marquette, eating lunch downtown and then spending some time touring the museums. I saw how happy Joshua and Hailey are, always touching and kissing, and it took everything within me not to push Grey into a darkened corner and press my mouth to his, to just swipe my tongue into his mouth and taste him. Just once.

“Thank fuck they’re leaving tomorrow,” I tell Grey as we work on getting dinner ready. We spent the day walking around Houghton and debated going on a six-hour ferry ride across Lake Superior but decided against it. Joshua would puke and I’m pretty sure I would too. Those waves on the lake aren’t anything to sneeze at, and I don’t want Grey to see me barf. I’d rather save that for another time, like maybe after he’s heard me fart. Then maybe a little puke would be okay.

So instead, we just wandered through the town, enjoying our last day together before Grey and I head off to Copper Harbor.

Grey chuckles a little, peeking over at me.

“Tell me how you really feel,” he says softly, and I lean toward him, wanting to just fucking kiss him.

“I can’t wait to be inside of you tomorrow. As soon as they leave, I’m fucking you.”

He lets out a stuttered breath, and I beam. His cheeks are flushed and I can see that vein in his neck pumping blood furiously. Oh yes, he’s ready too. I wake up next to him each morning, feeling his cock pressed up against my body. It’s just as eager as he is.

It’s been two days of edging ourselves, just bringing ourselves to the point of no return over and over.

I haven’t even jacked off, just waiting until I can explode into his ass.