Page 43 of Waiting For You

“We should shower,” he mutters but doesn’t move.

Neither do I. I want to see what he does. I don’t want to shove, just want to gently push.

Push him onto my dick, but still. I’ll be gentle about it.

But instead of doing what I’ve dreamed of, he stands up, his body brushing against my oversensitive cock, and he pulls me into a hug.

“You won’t be fucking me, Quinn. That’s…that’s crossing a line we can’t cross.”

I grab on to his ass and squeeze, arching up into him.

“Oh, you keep telling yourself that,” I murmur, and he lets out a huff, shaking his head.

“Let’s grab our stuff and go.”

He pulls away from me for real this time, and I feel slightly despondent, but I don’t let myself dwell on my disappointment. He says these things, but he doesn’t mean them. I’ll get what I want.

Or I’ll die trying.

We make our way to the campground showers in silence, but that’s okay. I don’t mind the quiet, as long as I’m with him.

We shower separately, but I let him hear me jack off. I even cry out his name while I do it. It helps curb this insatiable hunger I have for him. Until I look at him, that is, and then it’s back.

God, when I finally get inside of him, he’s going to be so sore trying to keep up with me. I am going to ride him into the mattress, going to rock that fucking trailer till the springs squeak.

“You ready for the next adventure?” I ask when we make it back to the trailer. The coffee is brewing on the stove and we’re unhooking everything outside.

“Yeah,” he says, meeting my stare and clearing his throat. Today we’re headed up to Tahquamenon Falls State Park to see the waterfalls. God, what I’d do to get Grey under one of those. We’d probably both drown, but I’d still love to suck his dick while water washes over him.

Maybe we should stick to the shower for that instead. So damn tempting though. What a way to go out, with his dick in my mouth.

We shut all the external compartments, making sure everything is put away before we pour the coffee into to-go mugs and drive out of our camping spot.

On our way out, we see Robert lounging outside his motorhome, earphones in his ears, Tattletale on his shoulder. He looks…sexy, and I hate him a little for it, knowing that he was inside of Grey at one point. But whatever, I have him now.

He’s mine for the next twelve days.

Grey slows down, the brakes of his truck squeaking slightly, and waves at him, letting him know where we’re headed next. For fuck’s sake, Grey, don’t encourage him. It’s better if he doesn’t know where we’re going so we can be alone. I want him all to myself.

But Robert just nods, not committing to anything, thank fuck. I don’t want a third wheel on this trip. God, I hope Joshua doesn’t end up out here with us. I mean, we messaged yesterday, but he didn’t mention anything about reconsidering his decision to come on this trip. It would be so weird if he changed his mind though, because camping like this is so not his thing. But Hailey is a loose cannon. I wonder if she would convince him to change his plans. She seems adventurous and outdoorsy. So, who the fuck knows what will happen.

I glance over at Grey and feel a little guilty. I mean, I’d want Joshua here for his dad, to make Grey happy. I’m being a little selfish wanting the two of us to spend the rest of the trip alone, so I can explore him—his body, his mind, his fucking heart.

I want to know him so well that I practically become him.

Obsession doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel for this man.

“How long till we get to the falls?” I ask, pulling up the itinerary. God, it’s so detailed. I know how much work he put into this. I can’t believe Joshua bailed on him.

Makes me mad just thinking about it.

“Probably an hour and a half. Maybe more if we stop.”

“Oh, stop where?” I ask, imagining him naked under a waterfall once more.

“There’s this little place called Paradise. If you want, we could stop there, grab some souvenirs.”

I shift in my seat, taking a sip of my coffee. “Can we get matching shirts?”