Page 44 of Waiting For You

He peeks over at me, his hands twisting slightly on the steering wheel.

“I mean, our dicks have touched, Grey. How much crazier can it get?”

His cheeks flush, and god, I’d lean over and bury my face in his crotch if he’d let me. Just let him drive me all the way to our destination with my head between his legs.

“I’m teasing you,” I say softly, trying to rein in my crazy. Just a little. I mean, there’s only so much I can do when it comes to him, but I also don’t want to scare him away.

“Matching shirts should be fine,” he says, and my lips turn up in a smile.

“Oh, I can’t fucking wait. What size are you? 2X, right?”

God, he’s big. He’s like twice my size and the fact that he bottoms is so fucking hot. Like, you wouldn’t expect it from a guy who looks like he does. He’s the best kind of surprise.

“Yeah, 2X,” he replies, and I watch as his biceps flex as he makes a lefthand turn.

“Maybe I should get you a size smaller, let it just stick to your skin,” I say and he shakes his head, a chuckle escaping his lips.

“Jesus, Quinn. I didn’t know you were like this.”

“Oh, you have no idea. I am like…” I lean my head back against the headrest and stare at him. “I am like so fucking horny for you.”

Grey’s foot moves off the gas and the truck slows considerably. “That’s….”

“Do not say inappropriate. Nothing about this is inappropriate. I’m nineteen, a consenting adult.”

He tucks his lips between his teeth, rolling his neck slightly. “Yeah, I know.”

“Ever been with anyone younger than you? Chatty Robert back there seemed at least a few years older,” I ask, shifting my body so I can watch him more intently.

“Not as young as you.”

“I’ve been with older guys,” I say, and Grey glances over at me.

“That so?”

“It’s so.”

We’re silent a minute and then I explain, “Now that was inappropriate. A sixteen-year-old with a thirty-year-old dude. So, yeah, Grey, I know what’s wrong and what’s not. And you and I…we’re definitely not.”

“Your parents know you were sleeping with an older man?”

I shrug. “Maybe. Not like they cared if I did. As long as I’m being safe and responsible, they’re happy.”

When Grey doesn’t say anything, I nudge him. “Go on, spill. I know you have things you want to say.”

“Not gonna trash-talk your parents, Quinn.”

I lean over and bite at his ear. Fuck, he’s adorable.

“You can trash talk them all you want. We both know what’s up. Let me guess, you’d never let Josh date an older woman like that. And I totally agree. It’s bad parenting.”

He bobs his head a little and then takes a sip of his coffee.

“The only thing that’s good about how much experience I have is that I know what I want.”

“Yeah, and what’s that?” he asks, his eyes on the road.

I don’t even hesitate. “You.”