Page 87 of Unstoppable

Fucks me.

With a snarl, he pushes me down onto all fours, grips my hips, and just hammers into me.

My head hangs down, and my body is limp in his grasp.

I am his—theirs.

He jerks, filling me with brutal thrusts before yelling out his release and dragging me along for another that makes me black out.

When I come to, I’m curled into him, my body covered in cum. My muscles are sore, but in the best way, and I have a smile on my lips.

“I think we burnt the food,” I mutter as I flop back to the grass, making them all chuckle.

“Fuck the food,” Louis mutters, and we laugh in shock.

Fuck the food indeed.

Even as I laugh, though, my heart skips a beat, and I know that when this mission is over, I might have to give them up. I don’t know how I’ll go back to life without them.

Without this.

This . . . unstoppable love.


Eventually, we eat, since we were able to save some of the food, and then we all sleep in a big pile in the living room. I wake up early the next morning, grimacing at the sticky, nasty feel of my body, and I steal the first shower.

I am dressed and pouring coffee before they even start to stir, so when Louis’s phone rings, I pick it up so he can rest. “Nova,” I answer.

There’s a moment of silence. “Put Louis on the line,” a voice snaps.

Ah, the general.

“He’s sleeping. What’s up?” I purposely piss him off as I lean back, blowing on my coffee. Louis stumbles into the room, scrubbing at his adorable, dishevelled hair. His eyebrow rises, but he doesn’t make me hand over the phone. Instead, he takes my coffee as he slips between my legs and holds me as he listens.

“Fine, tell him the location has been approved and to report his findings.” He hangs up the phone.

Rude prick.

“Good morning to you too, asshole,” I mutter as Louis yawns. “You hear that?” He nods, so I lean around him to see Jonas’s naked ass on display as he bends and stretches, making Nico hit him with a pillow while D just watches with a chuckle.

“Get ready, boys. It’s time to hit the next location,” I call, and that causes them to switch to work mode.

We are ready and on the road in twenty minutes flat, heading out of Edinburgh as we make our way towards the old abandoned military base we found.

I lean back in my seat, watching the world go by as Louis drives. D and I are in his car, while Nico and Jonas are in the second vehicle with the equipment. The radio is on low as we drive farther into the middle of nowhere, but I trust them to know where they are going, so I close my eyes.

I jolt awake when we pull to a stop and sit up.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Louis winks as he turns. “We are here.”

Leaning forward between the seats, I frown as I survey the land below us. “Here?”

He nods. “Here.”

The old base is surrounded by a new chain-link fence, so it would make sense, but the old grey buildings are mostly boarded up and falling down. The timeworn hangars and runway are empty and overgrown, and it looks deserted.

That’s probably a good thing.