Page 88 of Unstoppable

Sliding from the car, I stretch and twist, jumping on the spot to wake my tired muscles as the others get out and prepare. Rounding the back, I accept a bag from Nico and slip the backpack on. Next, I put in the earpiece and strap on the camera. D is going to set up in the first building we search so he can watch our backs since there are so many buildings to check, which also means that we all need to be prepared and on point.

Excitement races through my veins as I check the guns and strap them on before adding knives to my holsters. After putting my torch on my hip, I check everything once more before nodding. “Ready.”

The others are equally strapped up, even D, who has his laptop in a case at his side, is holding a pistol. “Okay, so we know the plan. We take the gate after checking for alarms and tripwires. There is an inactive minefield to the left and right, so we need to ignore those. Once there, we take the security outpost. D, you set up and hack into any cameras if there are any left. If not, keep tabs. I will take Building L. Nico you take J, Jonas K, Isaac P, and Nova K. Keep in contact at all times. If you think you have something, call it out. We sweep and clean, boys . . . and, erm, girl. Let’s do this.”

“Fuck yeah.” Jonas lifts his arm, and they all smash it, even me.

We don’t speak after that as we carefully make our way down the hill, coming from the side so we avoid the main road and signs beyond. At the chain-link fence, D carefully cuts the padlock and slides it back. No alarms go off, and the cameras there don’t move. We cut another one farther in, and then we are on the base.

We turn right, heading to the closed door of the security outpost. It’s barely two rooms, and once we kick the door in, we can’t all fit inside it, but the newer equipment here makes me frown. It has updated screens and monitors, and the desk is clean and tidy with a coffee cup growing mould in it. It’s clearly been used recently.

“It couldn’t have been too long ago,” I murmur.

“No, so be careful. D, set up and let’s see what we are working with. Until D lets us know, get into position.” Nodding, we head out across the base. I move to the building in the back on the south side that has two floors. When I get there, it’s labelled “Bunks.”

I wait and scan the horizon as we let D work.

“I can’t access the cameras. We are going in blind,” D says.

“Got it. In three, two, one.” I breach the door at the same time the others do.

The entrance is a simple hallway, with stairs on the right and doors all down the corridor. I sweep each corner, noting vending machines, a sofa, and a living area to the left. The doors all lead into bedrooms and bunks. I check every one meticulously before heading upstairs.

“Base level clear—nothing. Heading to second level,” I call, keeping them updated.

“Copy, sweeping the third floor,” Louis replies.

“Mine is empty, no sign of life for a long time,” Nico responds.

“Same here,” Jonas mutters, “apart from mouldy food and benches.”

I don’t reply, focusing on moving around the corner. I freeze at the top of the stairs. There are booted footprints in the dust. I follow them down the hall, stopping to check more bunks and showers. The trail leads to the very last closed door. “I might have something. Hold,” I murmur, and the line goes quiet.

Grabbing the handle, I twist and shove it open, going in ready to fire.

There’s a rumpled bed, a used shower, and discarded clothes and toiletries, but nobody is inside it, and it looks like it’s been a while. “The room here has been used, but not recently. Maybe a week or two,” I murmur. “My building is clear.” I drop my weapon and head back downstairs and outside.

“Clear,” Jonas calls.

“Clear,” Louis says.

“Clear too,” Nico and Isaac announce.

“That’s the infirmary, bunks, armoury, cafeteria, and offices all clear. Maybe we were wrong?” D mutters.

“Maybe,” I respond.

“There has to be something. Keep looking, D,” Louis barks.

I step outside and eye the base, wondering why here.

Why? What makes this place special?

Wandering around the back of the building, I check out the view of the Highlands. The mountains are beautiful. My eyes drop to a dip in the terrain that is not easily visible until you are right on top of it. Heading towards it, I realise it’s a depression covered in grit, but hidden away is a bunker with the door shut and clean.

“D, you seeing this?” I murmur into my comm.

“I am. It’s not on the maps. Guys, we have a bunker. I think this is it. Meet southside. Nova, wait for us.”