Page 5 of Springtime Love

I hadn’t spoken to Jenna Jenkins in eons. After we graduated high school, she went off to a university in New York and I stayed in Texas. We talked throughout the years, but then one day everything changed. She became too busy for our phone calls. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack for her to find time to talk and when we did talk, it was like pulling teeth. I eventually let our friendship dwindle to non-existent.

“Is something wrong?” I ask with an eyebrow raised.

“I had a feeling you’d ask that,” she half-ass groans.

How’d she get my number anyway? I had it changed a year ago because of a creeper.

“Yes, everything is fine.Andbefore you ask, your mom gave me your number,” she replies as though she’s just read my mind.

“Okay, then I guess the question is, how did you get my mom’s number?”

“Oh, geez, Ysenia,” she laughs. “I’m in Meadowview and stopped by your parent’s house looking for you.”


“She says you eat, sleep, and breathe Dallas now.” There’s a hint of amusement or maybe she’s teasing me because Dallas isn’t exactly New York City.

“It isn’t Park Avenue but I’m content.” I’ll be damned if I’ll let her make me feel bad for what life’s become.

“Ysenia Copeland!” she gasps loudly. “Do you hold a grudge against me?”

I open my mouth to speak.

“I didn’t realize we ended on bad terms,” she whispers, making guilt flow through me. “I think it is wonderful that you have your own business, Ysenia. I was ecstatic when your mom told me. I knew you’d do great things.”

“Thanks, Jenna,” I say in a much nicer tone. “It’s been a long day. I’m sorry if I was bitchy.”

“No. No. No. It’s okay,” she takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry for dropping the ball on our friendship. Looking back at it, I realize that I had my head in the clouds and was a crappy friend.”

“Everything happens for a reason,” I reply.

“I know, but I’m still very sorry. Can you forgive me?”

“Nothing to forgive, Jenna.”

“Good!” she beams. “Now, we can get down to business.”

“Business?” I repeat.

“I’m getting married!” she squeals. I pull the phone away from my ear as she continues to cheerfully and loudly tell me about her exciting news.

“That’s great, Jenna,” I say, putting the phone up to my ear. “Congratulations.”

I mean my words but can’t help feeling a ping of jealousy. Jenna always had all the luck. Everything came so easy to her. I had to work twice as hard. Growing up, I was like her trusty sidekick. She did whatever, and I followed behind her, cleaning up the mess.

“‘I’m calling because I want you to be one of my bridesmaids.” She finally fires the final blow. “Oh, don’t go quiet on me.”

I’m not quiet, you just haven’t stopped talking,I think to myself.

“Sorry,” I offer.

“Well…” she prompts.

“I’m honored.”

Wasn’t sure what else to say. Was it even appropriate to be in someone’s wedding who you no longer talked to? Wouldn’t that make me an imposter?

“Don’t you dare give me any buts, Ysenia,” she groans.