Page 4 of Springtime Love

“Just because I’m a boss doesn’t mean I can–”

“You’re the C.E.O. It doesn’t get any easier than that.”

“You’ve clearly never run a business,” I say, rolling my eyes.

She makes it sound like it can happen at the snap of my fingers. I’ve never just up and left my company. I’ve always given them plenty of warning before I took time off.

Nothing like lying to your sister,I mutter to myself.

I know my employees are fully capable of handling things. They aren’t the problem. Me being in Texas for longer than five minutes is the problem. Especially if I’m going to be anywhere near my mother.

“Stop bullshitting me,” Jenna growls.

“Such vulgar language for a refined young lady like yourself,” I chuckle.

“Miguel,” she warns.

“Calm down. I’m only kidding,” I say calmly. “Let me look into B&Bs and how much it will cost for a week.”

“Pft,” she huffs. “Why the hell would you stay anywhere but with family? “And, why only for a weak? This is a month-long event.”

My blood runs cold. The thought of my mother and I in the same house for a month terrifies me. There’s no way we would both survive nor would anyone else around us for that matter.

“Jenna, I’ll come for all the events because I want you happy for your big day, but I have to draw the line at me staying with family.”

“But… But…” she stammers.

“No buts,” I reply firmly, shaking my head. Regardless of the fact she can’t see me. “Email me the dates so I can start making arrangements.”

“You’re such a hard ass!” Jenna snaps. “Ugh. You and mom drive me nuts! Absolutely nuts!”

“Like I said, send me the details.”

“Fine,” she sighs.

“Love ya, Sis,” I chuckle.

“Yeah. Yeah. Love you too.” With that, she hangs up on me without another word.

“Well,” I rub the back of my neck and groan. “Looks like I’m bound for Texas.”

Chapter Three


The week had been filled with house showings and signings. When I wasn’t working, I was thinking of work. Thinking of ways to grow my business even more. Night and day. Work. Work. Work.

I have been doing realty for over ten years. After graduating high school, I got my realtor license and moved to Dallas. I worked forWe Will Sell Your Housefor three years. Working there I learned lots– mostly whatnotto do. My boss, Claira Benson, was a real piece of work. She’s what pushed me to take the plunge to open my own realty business- Luxury Realty.

The sound of my phone ringing is like a bucket of ice water being dumped on my head. I quickly snap out of my thoughts and answer my phone.

“Luxury Realty. This is Ysenia. How can I make your home dreams come true?” I say smiling.

“That’s super cute!” a familiar bubbly, country-accent, voice giggles.

“Jenna?” I ask in utter disbelief.

“The one and only,” she beams.