I squeeze her hand. “I’m not trying to dictate your choices, Jane, but this isn’t just about us. It’s about your life, and the future you could have if...” I frown. “If I don’tkillyou.”

She tilts her head, studying me. “What life would that be?”

“A human one,” I reply. “A life where you can have children, grow old, and die peacefully in your sleep. One where you can bask in the sun and never have to worry about feeding on others for survival.”

She grabs her cranberry juice, twisting the lid off. “I don’t want alegacy, Sam. I want to be with you. If you change me, then that’s one less rule you’d have broken, right?”

I stare at her, my eyes darting over the blush in her cheeks and the ravioli sauce smeared on her bottom lip.

She doesn’t realize what she’d be forfeiting.

I grab her empty plate and take it to the sink. “I’m going to kindly agree to disagree with you, Jane.”



HoursafterSam’sbrothersleave, I find myself with nothing to do but lie on the couch and play with my phone.

Well, Icouldbe riding Sam like a cowgirl, but he’s being an ass.

Why does he care If I become a vampire? Will I be useless to him then? Is he only interested in me because my heart beats? Or because I bleed?

So, yeah, I’m not really in the mood to make sweet love to a man who only wants to keep me if I’m edible.

Sam’s busy, anyway. Since we ‘agreedto disagree’, he’s been in the attic, pulling dusty old boxes from the spider infested stack upstairs. I hadn’t even known therewasan attic until he yanked on a string and caused the ladder to fall down.

I’m not sure if he’s searching for something, or if he’s trying to distract himself from the truth.

Becoming a vampire should be my choice, and he knows it.

Regardless, my phone is distracting enough. This new model isnothinglike the one I used to have. Search results load in seconds, and I have enough space to download every app on the play store.

I’m sorting through my e-book library at the moment, re-downloading the romance novels on the top of my to-be-read list and ranking them from most exciting to least.

The one on the top of my TBR is a spicy retelling of Dracula.It’s research, I tell myself. I’m swiping through the first chapter when two quiet knocks sound on the front door.

I wait for Sam to indicate that he’s coming to answer, but he must not have heard the noise. He’sdefinitelydistracted.

I toss aside the quilt I covering my legs and stride to the door, opening it. Francis stands there, his hands in his jacket pocket.

He glances over my shoulder. “Sam in there?”

I step outside, closing the door behind me. This is my chance to get honest answers without being shut down. A cool breeze drifts past us, and I hug my cardigan tighter around my arms. “I need to talk to you.”

Francis frowns. “Where’s Sam?”

“He’s in the attic, ripping apart old boxes.” I step closer toward him, and he takes a step back. Lowering my voice, I ask the question burning inside me. “How does someone become a vampire?”

Francis raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Are you thinking of joining the undead club?” His words drip with amusement, but I can sense a hint of concern hidden underneath.

I shrug, trying to keep my voice steady. “I just want to know.” Narrowing my eyes, I add, “And don’t act like you hadn’t already suggested it to Samuel. I heard you.”

He pauses for a moment, studying me. “It’s not an easy process, Jane. Changing involves a lot of pain and blood. You dodie,quite literally. It’s not something to be taken lightly.”

I nod, my heart pounding in my chest. “I understand. Tell mehow, Francis.”

He sighs, his eyes softening. “You’d need to be drained completely before drinking the blood of a host vampire. It hurts, but if you’ve been bitten and properly anesthetized, the pain is less intense.” Francis relaxes against a wooden beam supporting the porch roof and crosses his arms. “It’d be the easiest path, but I understand why he doesn’t want to do it.”