“Why? Why doesn’t he want to turn me?”Is it because he hates the thought of hurting me, even if that means we’ll be together forever? Or is it because he doesn’twanta forever tied to me?
Francis smiles a sad, cheerless smile. “You want this, right? Your choice should matter, but… it won’t be what you think. There will be times when you wish so desperately that you could die, and it’s so fucking hard to do anything but rot in that feeling.” He looks away, staring toward the horizon and the crescent moon that hangs there, suspended among the stars. “Sometimes the emotion lingers, and you’re just here, fantasizing about a world where you aren’t.”
He pauses and turns back to me, scanning my features with pursed lips. “Jane, Sam has felt that for a long time. He was stuck in that pit before he left for new York.Youbrought him back. Don’t judge him too harshly for refusing to condemn the only light he sees to darkness.”
I suck in a breath, feeling like I’ve been punched in the gut. “I... didn’t know that.”
He nods, reaching into his pocket. “You weren’t expected to. No matter how fiery this romance between the two of you is, it’s still new. You have time to work things out, to learn about each other.” He pulls free his hand, offering me a bag of blood. “Now take this. I was supposed to give it to Sam, but I’ll let you do the honors.”
And then Francis leaps off the porch, bounding away with a speed I’ve never witnessed before. His movements are unnatural... Predatorial.
I stand there for a moment, watching his blurring form disappear down the stretch of dirt road as I think.
Does he hide this part of himself from me, too?
Francis sprang across the lawn like an animal freed from its cage. So far, I’ve only seen glimpses of Sam’s strength.
Are there other secrets?
Lost in my own headspace, I re-enter the cabin without noticing Sam.
He’s there, sitting on the couch with his hands tightly clasped around his knees.
I shove a lock of my hair behind my ear. “Hi.”
He doesn’t say anything.
I approach him carefully, slipping my hand into the pocket of my cardigan. “Francis brought this for you.” My fingers close around the cold bag of blood, and I pull it free, offering it to him.
He takes it, but he wraps his hand around my wrist in the process. Seconds later, I’m being pulled down to his lap.
“I’m guessing you heard our conversa-“
“Yes.” He says, pronouncing the word sharply. He tosses the bag of blood to the side table, still staring at me. “And I don’t care.”
I swallow hard. “I’m sorry that I- “
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Sam’s voice is tight, hard. I’ve never heard him speak like this before, socoldand commanding. “I don’t want to talk about what was said, what I think, or why I don’t want you to be a monster.”
His hands grip my waist, and he pulls me closer to him, so close that I can feel his ragged breath on my lips. “I just want you.” He breathes, his voice cracking.
My chest tightens, and I close my eyes, surrendering to Sam’s power. His lips crush against mine, consuming me.
In the same moment, he hooks his finger beneath the belt of my pants and tugs, ripping the fabric as if it’s tissue paper. My bare knees press into the cushion of the couch on either side of his hips, straddling him.
“I want you here.” He kisses me again, stealing away my breath. “I want you now.” His tongue slides against mine, tasting me. “Every second of every day, I want you, Jane.”
I open my mouth to say something, but he silences me with his lips again, intensifying the kiss until I’m moaning against him.
When he breaks away, I’m breathless. He stares into my eyes with so much intensity that it’s hard to look. “For tonight, princess, let’s just be together.”
I nod, more than willing to let our issues rest if it means I can have him against me again.
His eyes flash a wicked crimson, and his hands slip around my waist, lifting me up. I cling to him as he moves between our hips, snapping the button of his jeans and unfurling the cock trapped beneath them.
He gathers my wrists in his hand, pinning them together before wrapping them behind his neck. Carefully, he guides my hips down with his free hand, staring at me as I take him inch by inch.