Page 5 of Shaw

When I woke the next morning, she was gone. Who the fuck does that? Who leaves without a goodbye? Okay, what woman does that? Normally I have to push them out the door with a fake name and number, but the only thing Red left behind was her blood on my sheets. A sign of her innocence. My cock swells, like every time I think of her. No amount of sex or jacking off appeases me, because simply, nothing compares to her.

I lift the phone to my ear, and as I do, my door slams open, hitting the wall and causing me to drop the phone to the desk and jump out of my chair.

What the ever-loving fuck?

“Sit.” A stern voice fills the room as one guy with slicked-back hair and a dark suit strides toward me with a gun pointed at me.Holy fucking shit.

His black eyes are cold and wild, his muscles coiled tight, and his temple pulsates as he tilts his head from side to side, studying me. He looks deranged, and I can only hope security is on their way up here.

Two other men flank him, then a third shorter, much older man follows, and last but not least, two men close the door and block my only exit. I swallow past the lump in my throat.

My body freezes and my heart races in my chest as I wonder what the hell is happening.

“Shaw Grant?” the Mafia-looking dude—the leader—asks, still pointing his gun at my face.

I swallow thickly, unsure whether to admit that’s me. The two younger men pull out chairs from my conference table and drag them over toward my desk, allowing the older gentleman to sit down first. They’re getting comfortable, so maybe I’m not about to get my head blown off?

My mind races with what could possibly be happening. Has a business deal gone wrong? Are these old enemies of Owen?

“Shaw Grant?” he snipes out, asking again, his voice deadly in warning.

My mouth suddenly feels dry, so I clear my throat. “Yeah, that’s me,” I admit, raising my chin in defiance. Fuck these pricks for intruding on my space.

My fingers fumble to find the security button under my desk, realizing I might actually need backup. I’m very fucking relieved Owen insisted on us having them installed in the first place, silently thanking him for his persistence.

“What the hell is happening?” I demand, the pissed-off edge in my voice clear.

The dude that looks like something out of a Mafia movie sits down opposite me. His dark eyes drill into mine. He steeples his hands on my desk, and I clamp my fists at my sides, pissed at his arrogance but also aware I’m dangerously outnumbered.

I take in his tattooed hands, the chunky gold rings on his fingers, and shudder at the thought that this man’s hands have no doubt killed someone. It’s clear he’s dangerous. Darkness rolls off him in waves. His deep, black eyes bore into mine, seeping with vengeance.

“Do you know who I am?” His voice is laced in danger; I swear I can smell death oozing from him. I scan his face and then over toward the other guys, who are staring at me with clenched jaws and grinding their teeth.Nope, not a fucking clue.

“Not a fucking clue.”

His eyes flare in rage, and he tilts his head to the side as though trying to see into my soul.Jesus, this guy is intense.

“You should. I’m Luca Varros, and you fucked my sister.”

My eyebrows shoot up in shock.I did?My mind wanders to who it could be. When Lizzie and I last broke up, I slept with a few people. All one-night stands. All meant nothing. But her.

My heart races because it’s obvious this dude is pissed; I allegedly fucked his sister.

“And you’ve caused me a lot of problems, Shaw.” His voice has an unhinged warning behind it.

I swallow past the lump in my throat. “Why’s that?”

“My sister was due to marry an associate.” I stare at him as his dark eyes appear to get even darker. “She’s now classed as soiled goods.”

I jolt at his words because who the fuck calls their sister that?

My pulse races. “What’s that got to do with me?” I feign confidence.

He leans forward across the table, his face a foot from mine. “Because you’re the one that defiled her.” Each word slices through me with a warning of vengeance.

I reel back as his words hit me in the chest. “Defiled?” There’s only one girl I defiled.Holy shit, Red, what the hell have we done?

The door opens, and I rise to my feet at Red being shoved through the door. “Sit!” the asshole barks back at me.