Page 6 of Shaw

I’ve no choice but to lower my ass back into the chair as some dickhead manhandles her into the room, shoving her into the chair beside the older man. My body vibrates with a need to protect her, but hopelessness swallows it up.

Tears streak her face, and her lip quivers as she turns to the older guy. “Papi.” He holds his hand up to silence her, not so much as turning in her direction. Red clamps her lips shut, then turns her tormented eyes toward mine.

Emotion swims between us, and my heart races at the desperation etched on her face.Fuck, she’s beautiful.My heart skips a beat just from looking at her.

The door opens again, and I’m relieved it’s Owen pushing past the two guard dogs minding the door.

The slick leader jumps from his chair, but when his eyes settle on Owen, his shoulders relax. “Luca?”

The guy, Luca, smirks back at Owen.

Owen glances over his head at me before his gaze turns venomous. “What the fuck did you do?” His panicked and firm words make me stiffen.

“Your business partner, Shaw Grant, fucked my sister,” Luca spits out.

“And now he will pay the consequences,” the older guy chimes in with a nod.

“You dumb prick.” Owen glares in my direction.

“Papi, please. Not like this.” Red shakes her head, and a feeling of dread settles over me. I glance from one man to the other, now taking in the guns tucked in their pants and the bulge of weapons behind their jackets. I swear my life flashes before my eyes. Yet all I see is her.

“You dumb fucking idiot,” Owen snipes out in my direction again, making me clench my jaw in annoyance because who the fuck thinks to ask if their one-night stand is part of what appears to be a Mafia family?

“He defiled my sister and knocked her up, and now he will marry her or lose his life.”

Words get thrown about but I hear none because “knocked her up” is playing on repeat in my mind.

My eyes search hers before landing on her clasped hands sitting in her lap with a small bump on display.How the hell did I miss that?My heart pounds against my chest, forcing my throat to constrict with panic.

“I’m sorry,” she utters the words, but I can’t digest them.

“The wedding is next Saturday.” That snaps me out of my head, and I spring from my chair, forcing the other two men to their feet, drawing weapons in my direction.

Luca turns to face me with the maniacal look in his eyes; he wouldn’t think twice about putting a hole between my eyes.

“I can’t get fucking married,” I spit out, enraged at the suggestion, my body shaking with panic.

His voice is low, calm, and collected, but still, the danger seeps from him, leaving me no choice. “You can and you will.”

I shake my head and almost want to laugh at how ludicrous this all is.

“Luca. Are you sure there isn’t a misunderstanding? Are you sure the baby is his?” Owen all but whispers as though trying not to insult him.

Luca flicks his fingers toward one of his lackeys, who pulls papers from a file and places them on the desk in front of me.

“It’s his.” He nods toward the paper, so I pick it up and scrutinize the sheet. They pulled security images of us leaving the casino together, along with images of us in the elevator, corridor, and bursting into the hotel bedroom.

Another image shows Red leaving my hotel room, and a pang of regret fills me at the reminder of my disappointment that morning.

The way I fucked her that night so recklessly, knowing she wasn’t on birth control, has now come back to bite me in the ass.

I pinch my fingers over the bridge of my nose and make a last-ditch effort to stop the madness right now.

“I can’t marry her. I have a fucking girlfriend.” I don’t miss the sharp intake of breath to leave Red’s lip, but I choose to ignore it, refusing to acknowledge her.

“Get rid of her or we will.” Luca shrugs, making my teeth grind with a need to hurt him, a need to lash out.

“But I’m warning you, if you bring shame on my family and cheat on my sister, your cock will be the first thing to go. I’ll feed it to you slowly, forcing you to taste every fucking sliver.” My stomach rolls and I grimace at the thought. “It’s only because she begged me not to hurt you that I chose to keep you alive. Now, the choice is yours. A meeting will take place this Saturday. Details will be sent over. Emi, come.” Luca snaps his fingers, and Red jumps up from her chair and follows without a backward glance as they leave the room, taking my whole life with them.