When she had confided her plan to Kat, her friend had been all in—which was why she had made Seline a succession of panties to wear with her Mistress outfits which got progressively smaller and smaller. Until at last, the final pair was a tiny triangle of fabric which didn’t even cover her pussy mound, let alone her slit completely.

When Nox had seen her in the outfit—which was gold and cream lace—his silver eyes had widened and his deep voice had gone hoarse—an extreme reaction for a male who was supposed to have no emotions. When they had been formally introduced at the Yonnite party they were attending, he had knelt before her to kiss her panties as usual, but the kiss had been something special.

Seline had been forced to bite back a moan when he pressed his face between her legs and she had felt his hot breath stirring the tiny patch of auburn curls she kept there, even though she shaved everything else off.

The kiss itself was long and slow and hot. Nox had pressed his sensual lips to her tiny panties which were no bigger than a coin and for just a moment, Seline could have sworn she’d felt just the tip of his tongue exploring the top of her slit, which peeked above the tiny piece of gold fabric.

She couldn’t be sure if she was right, but the hot sensation made her squirm. After what felt like forever, Nox had finished and had risen to his feet to tower over her once more. His long cock had been rock hard, poking out as it was from his crotchless bodyslave trousers. Seline had been forced to fight off an urge to take him in her hand and stroke him teasingly. She hadn’t done it—it would have been extremely unprofessional—but she had been sorely tempted.

“You’re bound to get a reaction out of him sometime or other, you know. It doesn’t matter that he has Quix DNA, he’s also half Kindred,” Kat remarked, pulling Seline out of her daydream. “And all Kindred male have deep-running emotions—whether they like to admit it or not. Especially if they’re with a woman they want to Claim.”

“I don’t know about him Claiming me—I just want to get a reaction out of him. Anyway, I’ll certainly keep trying. I’m having too much fun to stop now—you know I love a challenge,” Seline said, laughing.

It had been her goal to get a reaction out of her stoic Protector since day one, when Commander Sylvan had first introduced them.

He had asked her first if she minded having a Dark Kindred as a Protector, though—which Seline appreciated. The Dark Kindred had attempted to take over the Earth not that many years ago, and she knew a lot of people were still wary of them. Even though the Collective—the advanced computer system which had directed the attack on Earth—had been disabled and many of the Dark Kindred had changed their ways, some doubts still lingered.

But not for Seline—she wasn’t frightened of Nox in the least. Or so she told herself—though her first sight of the huge Kindred nearly took her breath away. His shoulders were twice as broad as her own and he looked like he could break her curvy body in two like a matchstick if he wanted!

However, just as she was getting uncomfortable, he had dropped to one knee before her and held out a hand.

Seline—who had been seated in Commander Sylvan’s office, right where she was sitting now, in fact—had tentatively given the big warrior her hand, which had promptly been swallowed up in his much larger one. And then Nox had spoken to her for the first time.

“My Lady Seline,” he had rumbled in a deep baritone that Seline felt all the way down to her toes (and in the tips of her nipples and between her legs too, if she was honest,) “I am here to serve and protect you in every and any way I can,” he had told her. “Though I have no emotions, I swear to offer you my loyalty and complete protection—”

“Wait a minute,” Seline had said. “I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to interrupt your speech,” she told him, since he was frowning sternly. “But did you just tell me you have no emotions? As in, you don’t feel anything for anybody?”

“I am half Quix’ellis,” he told her. “My kind have no emotion—we function purely in the realm of logic. But that will not impede me from protecting you in any way. I vow I will give my life to save yours, my Lady. Not a drop of your blood shall fall unless all of my own has first been spilled upon the ground. This is my Oath of Protection to you.”

And he had bowed his head, allowing her to see the pointed tips of his ears which were visible under his thick, dark hair, and pressed his lips to the back of her hand—which sent an immediate shiver through her entire body.