It was one of the reasons she’d moved up to the Kindred Mother Ship in the first place, after her divorce. It hadn’t been a nasty divorce—just a parting of ways. She and Mitchell never should have been together in the first place—she had rushed to marry him when the Kindred first came to Earth and instituted the Bride Draft because she had feared being called as a Kindred bride.

Over the years they had grown apart and Mitchell had become set in his ways—completely unwilling to try new things—especially in the bedroom. Seline had felt like she was slowly drowning in dullness. It had been a relief when he asked for a divorce and now she felt like she was starting a whole new chapter of her life and loving every minute of it!

It made her laugh now when she thought of her hasty marriage—who would have guessed she would wind up working for the big, muscular aliens she had so feared once? And who would have thought she’d be having so much fun doing it? She had started out as a PR rep for the Kindred but now she was a liaison for them to planets which were female-dominated.

It was an absolute blast getting to visit strange new worlds and meet new alien people all the time. Of course, she was always strictly professional during her meetings and negotiations but it was amazing to her that she actually got paid to have adventures!

“You know I have to help you show off your curves, doll.” Kat nudged her with an elbow, bringing her back to the present. “So did those last outfits I packed you for the trip you took to Yonnie Six have any effect on him?” she asked, lowering her voice even though they were the only people in the room. They were having a pre-mission meeting in Commander Sylvan’s office, but neither he nor her Protector, who they were talking about, had arrived yet.

“You mean on Nox?” Seline asked, giving her friend a conspiratorial smile. “I’m not sure to be honest—I think maybe he was a bit less stoic by the end of the trip. And by the last time he had to, you know, ‘kiss my panties,’ well…”

“Well? Well, what?” Kat demanded, her eyes going wide. “Seline, you have to tell me!”

“Well…he seemed to linger quite a long time,” Seline admitted, blushing as she remembered. “It was…interesting to say the least.”

The Yonnite Mistresses who ruled the planet she’d been visiting as a liaison had strange customs regarding the males they kept as their “bodyslaves.” First of all, a Mistress always wanted to have the biggest, most muscular and imposing male she could—it was a point of status.

Nox, who was Seline’s Protector, more than filled those requirements. He was seven feet tall, extremely muscular and had thick dark hair and pale silver eyes. Add the metal left arm and he was as imposing as any Mistress could wish.

Another point of pride for a proper Mistress was a male who had extra large equipment—Nox fulfilled that requirement too. Well, to be honest—he over fulfilled it—at least in Seline’s opinion. When he had changed into the tight black leather trousers which had an open V where the crotch should have been and which showcased his extra-large shaft, she hadn’t been able to help staring.

It wasn’t just his size either—though he was big enough to put any porn star to shame. It was the interesting features she saw when she kept sneaking glances at his package. To be blunt, it wasn’t just his olive-green skin tones that made him unusual.

His cock was long and thick with a flaring crown, but he also seemed to have some kind of raised ridges running the length of the shaft, as well as a swelling at the base of it that made her think of a Beast Kindred’s Mating Fist—also sometimes called a “Bonding Knot.” Not that she’d ever seen one in person, of course, but she’d heard about them from other women. (Olivia, who was a close friend of Kat’s, was married to a Beast Kindred.)

Seline hadn’t touched her Protector’s enormous shaft, but she’d certainly been tempted to. Seeing that she was playing the part of his Mistress and was supposed to be allowed to handle his body in any way she wanted, she might have gotten away with it.

But though she hadn’t touched him with her hands, she’d made certain to brush against him several times. And since the outfit that Kat had made her to wear was so skimpy it barely covered her breasts and pussy, there had been plenty of skin-to-skin contact—not that Nox had seemed bothered by it. But then, he wasn’t bothered by much of anything since he had no emotions.

It was this last detail about the big warrior that had made Seline so determined to provoke him into some kind of reaction. She wasn’t trying to seduce him per se—she was just having fun, she told herself. After the loveless, boring marriage she’d suffered through, didn’t she deserve a little fun?