The bright blue grape things tasted savory rather than sweet. Also, they had the texture of meatballs, which seemed odd, but Seline got used to it quickly. She finished everything on her plate but it hadn’t been much and she was still hungry. She eyed Nox’s dinner longingly.

“Are you still hungry? They don’t seem to feed the females much here,” he remarked, seeing where she was looking. “Here—have some of mine.”

He cut off several pieces of the blue steak and placed them on her plate, much to Seline’s delight. She was a confirmed carnivore and the meat smelled delicious, even if it was blue.

“Oh, thank you, Master!” she exclaimed, starting in on the steak eagerly. “Mmm…this is really good!”

It tasted like a mixture of beef and chicken with a little bit of bison thrown in, she decided. (She’d had bison steak once at a fancy party for Mitchell’s accounting office and had really liked it.)

After she finished what Nox had given her, she felt much better. She was about to ask for one more bite when Lovely elbowed her and murmured,

“Save room for dessert! You don’t want to miss it.”

“Oh—okay.” Seline shrugged. She wondered what dessert would look like here. Maybe they had some version of chocolate lava cake or some kind of pie made with alien fruit…whatever it was, she was already looking forward to it. She had always had a sweet tooth. In fact when she was little, her mom used to say that every tooth in her mouth was a sweet tooth!

Then she remembered that her mom—and the rest of her family—were in a whole other universe. The thought gave her a nervous twist in her stomach—what if she and Nox never got back?

With an effort she pushed the negative thought firmly away—they were definitely going to get back, she told herself. She and Nox were going to manage, one way or another.

Just then, the servants came around and cleared away all the golden plates and silverware. Then they brought several new things to the table. The first was a golden bowl with a carved golden lid.

Anticipating some kind of hot desert, Seline eagerly removed the lid, letting a puff of steam escape. However, when she looked into the bowl, she saw only a white towel.

“Hey—what the hell kind of dessert is this? I’ve never seen an edible towel before,” she grumbled to Lovely.

The other woman giggled.

“Oh, that’s not dessert—that’s for cleaning up after dessert. Put the lid back on unless you want to wipe everything up with a cold towel.”

Seline wondered what in the world this strange dessert could be. Whatever it was, it must be messy since it apparently required a wet towel to clean up after it.

“Don’t worry,” Lovely told her. “The dessert itself should be on the way. Oh look—here it comes now!”

She pointed to a servant carrying a large tray which was filled with many little pots with pouring spouts. To Seline, they looked like the miniature teapot she’d had as a kid.

“Oh goody!” Lovely clapped her hands in anticipation as the servant leaned down and offered her the tray. “I just love it when they let us choose,” she told Seline. “Do you have any pappi berry kind this time?” she asked the servant.

He nodded silently and handed her a small golden teapot. Then he looked mutely at Seline as though he was asking her what kind she wanted.

“Oh, uh, I’ll have what she’s having,” she said, pointing to Lovely.

The servant nodded and handed her a miniature teapot and moved on to offer the tray to the next pleasure slave.

Seline was extremely eager to taste this new dessert, though she thought it was strange that it was served this way. Was it some kind of sweet liquid or cream?

She lifted the little pot’s lid and found a warm golden-brown liquid that looked a lot like caramel. She dipped her pinky finger in to taste it and found that it tasted a little like caramel too—with notes of some kind of tart-sweet berry in it.

It was delicious and she was about to sneak another taste when Lovely elbowed her.

“Hey—you can’t just eat it out of the pot like that!” she exclaimed, giving Seline a reproving look.

“You can’t? Are they going to bring ice cream or cake or something to put it on?” she asked.

Lovely frowned.

“What is ice cream and cake?”

“Well…things you can pour sweet sauce on,” Seline explained.

Lovely made a face. “Your world sounds very strange. The only thing you’re supposed to pour the dessert on here is your Master’s cock.”

And she demonstrated by leaning over and drizzling a bit of the caramel berry sauce all over Master Lendrex’s shiny gold cock. (It was still out, since Lovely had been leaning over to suck it from time to time throughout the meal.)

“Hmmm, dessert time, I see,” Master Lendrex rumbled, reaching down to stroke Lovely’s hair as she licked the sweet, sticky syrupy stuff off his golden cock. He looked at Nox and frowned. “Well—help yourself. Or, should I say, let your pleasure slave help her self.” He nodded at Seline, who was still just sitting there.