“Well? What are you waiting for? Try it.”

Seline bit her lip—should she do the same thing with Nox that Lovely had been doing with Master Lendrex? She didn’t want to make her Protector uncomfortable, but the very idea of acting so naughty with him was making her extremely hot.

Wait a minute-I can’t make him uncomfortable—he doesn’t have emotions, remember? she told herself. And besides, we have to do whatever we can to fit in here, right?


Seline hadn’t been sure how she felt about this whole situation earlier, but she decided right then and there that she was going to live out her naughty fantasy of having Nox as her Dom for as long as they were here. Which might only be for this dinner, so she ought to get started.

She turned to him and saw that he was contemplating his plate, which was piled high with savory looking food. There was a mound of something that looked like purple mashed potatoes and a large steak of some dark blue meat which smelled amazing. There were other little piles of red and orange things that might have been some kind of vegetables.

Everything looked delicious, but at that moment, all Seline wanted to taste was Nox.

“Master?” she murmured, looking up at him appealingly. “If I’m a very good girl, can I have a bite of your food?”

“Well, of course you can—” Nox began but he stopped abruptly when Seline lowered her cheek to nuzzle against the crotch of his leather trousers. “Er…Seline?” His voice was slightly hoarse and she could feel the hard lump of his cock growing under her cheek. “What are you doing?” he muttered, frowning down at her.

Seline looked up at him innocently.

“Just being a good girl so you’ll give me a piece of your food, Master,” she murmured breathlessly.

“You don’t have to, er, do that,” Nox protested.

“Yes, I do,” Seline insisted. She lowered her voice, for his ears only. “Haven’t you ever heard the human expression, ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do?’”

“Yes, but we are not in Rome—we are in an alternate universe. There may not even be a Rome here,” he pointed out.

“That’s not the point and you know it,” Seline insisted. She began trying to unfasten his trousers—they seemed to be held together by some kind of magnetic tabs—so she could get to his cock.

“Seline, this is unnecessary.” His voice was hoarse but firm as he moved her hands away and frowned down at her. “I do not wish to demean you this way,” he told her.

Seline felt so frustrated she could cry.

“No, really—it’s all right. Demean me!” she exclaimed.

Before he could answer, the servants came around again and began placing servings of food on the smaller golden plates for the women seated at the table.

“See—your food is here,” Nox told her. “Now sit up like a ‘good girl’ and eat it.”

Still feeling frustrated, but knowing that she couldn’t cross the line he had set, Seline sat up and looked at the food which had been put on her plate. It didn’t look nearly as nice as what Nox had been given.

There was a piece of what appeared to be dry purple toast, a cluster of some kind of fruit that looked like grapes—if grapes were bright blue, that was—and a tiny ramekin of neon pink soup.

“What is this? Why is our food so different?” she asked Lovely, who was industriously cleaning her plate.

“It has to be, because we’re females,” was Lovely’s reply, given around a mouthful of the grapes. “You’d better eat it all up if you expect to get dessert,” she added. “The servants won’t serve you anything sweet if they see you haven’t finished your food.”

The difference between Nox’s juicy blue steak and her own slice of dry purple toast irritated Seline to no end, but by this time she really was getting very hungry. Breakfast had been a long time ago in a whole other universe and her stomach was rumbling.

She tried the toast first—which was every bit as dry and crumbly as it looked. Peep-a-cheek, who had flown up to the ceiling when she had leaned over to rub her cheek against Nox, came down again and lighted on her shoulder.

“Oh, there you are. Here—do you want some of this?” Seline asked him, holding out a purple toast crumb. “It’s not very good, I’m afraid.”

The little flur’fa pecked once at the crumb, but didn’t seem to like it. He hopped on top of Seline’s head instead and peeped twice before taking off again, presumably to explore.

“You have to dip the siba bread into the jum-jum soup,” Lovely said. She demonstrated by breaking off a piece of the purple toast and dipping it into the ramekin of bright pink soup.

Seline tried it and found that the soup did help soften up the toast. It tasted a little bit like turkey gravy when it gets cranberry sauce mixed into it, she decided. Not bad at all—she had always been partial to Thanksgiving dinner.