Nox didn’t hesitate.

“That would be most agreeable—thank you for the invitation.”

“Excellent. Then you can come with me to the Banquet Hall. It’s quite a large one—we enjoy our feasts here in the Halls of Pain,” Master Lendrex remarked.

He rose from the black marble throne and came down the steps of the dais it was placed on. As he did, a loud goooooonnnnngggg sound rang through the marble room.

“Ah—there’s the dinner gong now,” Lendrex remarked. “Come with me, please, Master Nox. And your pleasure slave may walk,” he added, looking down at Seline. “There’s no need to make her crawl unless you’re punishing her for some reason.”

“No—not currently, anyway.” Nox finally released his hold on Seline’s hair. She rubbed her head and was about to scramble to her feet when the big Kindred reached down, hooked a hand under her elbow, and lifted her to a standing position again.

Seline gave a little gasp—it occurred to her that up until now, she hadn’t really understood how strong Nox was. But he had just lifted almost her entire body weight—which was not light—with one hand. It was a good thing this “Master” act was just that—an act.

To be honest, her reaction to the way he had dominated her—even a little—almost scared her. It had been so sudden—so extreme. As though he had flipped a switch in her body and turned her on like a light. It was both frightening and exhilarating. She wanted more of it—craved it like an addict craved another hit of an especially potent drug. And it was the craving that scared her.

So, though she’d dreamed of Nox being her Dom, now that it seemed likely to really happen, she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

Not sure at all.



“Down this hallway,” Master Lendrex gestured for them and Nox followed him warily, making sure to keep Seline in sight at his side. He didn’t like the interest the other male had expressed in her.

She’s mine! he thought and a feeling of possessiveness so strong it might almost have been considered an emotion in anyone else, rose in him like a wave, threatening to drown him in its intensity. He had sworn an oath to protect her with his life and of course he would honor it, but it occurred to him that this was the first time he had felt the strength of the oath in his bones.

Was this new sensation because he felt his charge had been threatened…or was there something more to it?

I should have insisted that Yipper install that emotion damper, he thought as they left the throne room and walked down another long hallway behind Master Lendrex. I should have asked that the mission be put off until I could have it done.

Now he and Seline were lost in an alternate universe and he was very possibly starting to have what seemed to be emotions. Or was he?

It’s just my protective instinct, he told himself. The instinct of any Kindred to protect a female—that’s all. It’s not like I actually have emotions for Seline.


Before he could assure himself of that completely, they had reached a broad arch which led into a chamber with a high, vaulted ceiling.

“This is our Banqueting Hall.” There was pride in Master Lendrex’s voice as he swept out one golden hand to indicate the vast, opulent room. It had gray walls with black climbing vines and a black floor like the rest of the Upper Disk, but when Nox stepped on it, he found it wasn’t marble at all.

“Oh—what’s this?” Seline exclaimed, as she stepped on it too and wobbled, trying to keep her balance.

Instead of answering her, Master Lendrex gave a disapproving look.

“You let your pleasure girl speak out whenever she wants like that?” he demanded of Nox.

“Most certainly not,” Nox declared. He frowned warningly at Seline, who was looking up at him with wide brown eyes. “Behave, Seline, or I will be forced to punish you,” he told her, putting a hint of menace in his voice.

Her eyes got even wider but she nodded mutely. At the same time though, her scent became extra hot. He frowned—hadn’t he noticed a change in her scent earlier when he had been showing his “dominance” over her in the throne room? He thought he had, but he’d been too busy negotiating to explore the phenomenon.

At any rate, Nox was glad she seemed willing to comply. He would never normally speak to her in this way, but in this case, he really might have to punish her if she didn’t behave—or at least meet the standards of their host.

Of course, he had no wish to cause her any harm or pain—the very thought was anathema to his Kindred half. Though he thought the Quix half of him would probably be equal to the task—especially if punishing her was the only way to keep her safe.