“Please excuse my pleasure girl,” he said to Master Lendrex. “When she gets excited, she forgets her manners.”

“Understandable—not many outsiders have seen the grandeur of the Halls of Pain,” Lendrex said with obvious pride. “But to answer the question, this floor covering is a rare tull’ka mat from Cibrion Six. We sit on the floor when we eat and the mat makes a sitting position much more comfortable. And of course, it’s useful for more than banquets. We use this room for other purposes as well.”

He gave Nox a significant look and Nox nodded, though he wasn’t sure what Lendrex was referring to. Was there some kind of sexual significance to his words? He saw Seline’s eyes get wide again, however, so perhaps she knew. He would have to ask her later.

“Of course. Is it permitted to walk on the tull’ka mat with boots on?” he asked, indicating his own footwear.

“It is—as long as the heels aren’t sharp. Footwear with sharp heels may bruise the tull’ka.” Master Lendrex frowned pointedly at Seline’s feet. The heels of her shoes were sinking into the mat.

“Oh—I’m really sorry!” she gasped and wobbled off the mat—Nox made sure to keep one hand under her arm—to slip off her shoes.

Once she was barefoot, she was even shorter than she had been previously. Since almost all human women were quite diminutive—at least compared to Kindred—this meant the top of her head now barely came up to Nox’s elbow.

He had the sudden urge to scoop her up and cradle her close to his chest protectively, but restrained himself. He hadn’t seen the way that males and females interacted here and he didn’t want to risk causing offense.

“Do come in and get settled—the rest of my advisors will be here shortly,” Lendrex said. He gestured to a long, low table which Nox estimated could seat forty guests, though a glance showed it was only set for twenty with plenty of space between place settings.

“Thank you, I will,” he said. “Where should my pleasure slave be?” he added. “I would prefer to keep her in sight.”

“Hmm, you’re a possessive one, aren’t you?” Lendrex remarked as they walked further into the vast Banquet Hall, which looked like a space that belonged in a palace rather than a space station, Nox thought. “Is she getting close to her harvest or breeding time—is that why you wish to keep an eye on her?”

“Pardon?” Nox raised an eyebrow at him.

But before Lendrex could answer, some more of his people came down the hallway towards Banquet Hall. Most of the males had silver scales, though a few had gold and silver mixed. None but Lendrex, however, had pure golden scales, Nox noted.

They all brought females with them, but none of these appeared to have the metallic scales for skin as the males had. They were of several races and species—he saw an An’doreen woman with pink skin and three breasts—all of which seemed full to bursting—as well a Far’aken with a smooth green pelt.

There were several others including a Hambla female with an epidermis which appeared to change colors at intervals. This was easy to see since none of the females had many clothes on. The outfits they wore resembled the Earth garments called “bikinis” though some had skirts or long flowing trains attached.

The Hambla female moved over to stand beside Lendrex and bowed submissively at his feet. She kept her head down until Lendrex tapped her on the shoulder.

“You may speak,” he intoned, looking down at her.

“Oh, Master Lendrex—may I have the pleasure of dining beside you today?” the Hambla female asked, looking up at him.

“Well, that depends on how well you use your mouth on my cock, Lovely,” Lendrex answered, reaching down to stroke her softly rounded cheek.

The Hambla female’s pale skin turned a delicate pink color all over, which made Nox wonder if she was blushing like a human.

“Of course, my Master,” she murmured. “It’s always a pleasure to suck your thick cock as you dine.”

“Well then, of course you may sit with me,” Lendrex told her. “Come—let’s get our seats at the table. Oh, and this little female belongs to our guest, Master Nox,” he added, nodding at Seline. “Be so kind as to show her the proper way to behave at dinner, won’t you, Lovely?”

“Yes, Master—I’ll be happy to.” The Hambla female—whose name was apparently “Lovely”—gave Seline a shy smile and a little wave. Seline returned the gesture, looking bemused. Nox wondered what the Hambla female was supposed to teach her. Hopefully not to “suck cock” as that would be wholly inappropriate considering that he and Seline were work colleagues and not in any way romantically connected.

He supposed he would find out later. For now, they all made their way into the Banquet Hall.

Walking on the black tull’ka mat required some balancing. It was so thick and spongy, Nox felt as though he was sinking in with every step. Luckily, his core muscles were rock hard, so he was able to navigate without too much trouble. Seline kept nearly falling over though.