Seline shifted in her seat. So they were going to have a frank discussion on kinks now? Okay—here we go.

“Well, submission is when one person in a relationship gives up their power to another person,” she tried to explain. “And domination is when the other person takes that power and uses it to their, uh, mutual satisfaction.”

She was thinking again what a good Dom Nox would make if only he had the inclination. He was already so big and muscular, and scary-looking with his long Blood-Kindred fangs and that stern look on his face…

“A person gives up their power?” he asked, interrupting her half-formed fantasy. “In what way?”

“Sexually,” Seline said, trying to think how to explain. “See, there’s the Dom—he’s the one with the power. And the submissive or sub, gives herself to him and lets him, uh, do things to her, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I do not,” Nox said, shaking his head. “What kinds of things does he do?”

“Well…he might punish her for being bad by spanking her for instance,” Seline said.

“So…corporal punishment is considered sexual by humans?” Nox asked.

“Well…sometimes. Some people get off on pain—that’s the masochism part. Only the punishment has to be done in the right way and in the right context,” she told him. “It’s…complicated to explain but a Dom spanking his sub or punishing her in other ways can be very sexual…very sensual too,” she added, feeling a tingle go through her.

“Hmm…” Nox appeared to be thinking this over. “So sometimes pain can be sexual, but it must be done in the exact right way and at the exact right time. That sounds…complicated.”

“It’s not just about pain—it’s about control,” Seline explained “About giving yourself to another person and trusting them to do things to you that will make you feel so much more than you would feel without that loss of control.”

“And yet…you do not wish to punish me once we get to Beselex Station?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well…I mean, we’re coworkers, right?” Seline said weakly. “And I don’t know if you’re into that kind of thing. Into kink, I mean.”

“I don’t know either.” Nox sounded thoughtful. He looked at her directly. “Are you into kink, Seline?”

Seline nearly choked. How could she answer that particular question?

“I don’t know,” she admitted at last. “I might be—my ex-husband Mitchell didn’t have any interest in exploring it with me, so I never got to find out.”

“He refused to punish and dominate you or allow you to punish and dominate him?” Nox asked, sounding genuinely curious.

“He had no interest at all,” Seline said flatly. “It’s one reason we’re divorced now,” she added honestly. “He wasn’t willing to try anything new.”

“So your bond was severed because he was unwilling to please you sexually?” Nox sounded disapproving.

“Well, we didn’t have a Soul Bond like the Kindred form with their mates,” Seline told him. “But yes, our marriage ended in divorce so I guess you could say it was severed.”

“And what was it that he was unwilling to do?” Nox asked, sounding genuinely interested. “Did he refuse to spank you or to let you spank or flog him?”

Seline laughed.

“It wasn’t that extreme. I just wanted to try a little light bondage and submission, but he didn’t have a dominant bone in his body.” She sighed.

“I see…so you wanted to be the one who was dominated? You wished to submit to him?” Nox asked.

They were really getting in deep here.

“I just…wanted to try something new,” Seline repeated. “Why all these questions, Nox? Are you interested in being a Dom—in dominating someone?” She looked up at him, giving him a naughty smile. “I bet you’d be really good at it.”

“I am simply trying to follow your thought process—to understand you.” He looked at her, his silver eyes brooding. “I find you fascinating, Seline—but extremely confusing at times.”

“Oh, well…” Seline’s heart thumped in her chest. “Thank you, I guess.”

“So since you would rather be the submissive partner, does it bother you to act as my Mistress or Dominant on our trips to female-led societies?” he asked.

“Well…” Seline frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t mind playing the stuck-up Yonnie Mistress when I have to, but I’d rather not have to punish you, whatever that might entail.”

“The Yonnites have a punishment where the Mistress coats one nipple in fire powder and the other in ice powder, in order to punish a disobedient bodyslave,” Nox reminded her. “As I recall, you had to wear some of these powders during our last trip.”

Seline felt herself blushing, remembering how hot and naughty she had felt with her bare nipples on display, coated only in the colored powders which were used as a punishment for unruly bodyslaves. It had felt like Nox’s eyes were following her bare breasts very closely, but maybe she had just imagined that.

“Yes, but I never had to use them because you were such a good bodyslave I never had to punish you,” she said lightly.