“I’m all packed too,” Seline said.

“Wonderful. I have every confidence in both of you.” Commander Sylvan smiled warmly and slid the Far Box’s metal carrying case across the desk so Seline could place it back inside and take it with them. “May the Goddess go with you and grant you success,” he told them. “I really feel like the completed Far Box ought to be stored safely in our archives.”

“It will be if we have anything to say about it,” Seline assured him. She looked up at Nox. “Come on—let’s go.”

Nox nodded and rose courteously, letting her and Kat exit the office first. He was eager for a new mission with the curvy little female…though he still wondered what exactly what going on with him and why she was affecting him so strangely.

He had no idea that he was soon to find out.



“Hey—why didn’t you warn me about that stuff earlier—the BDSM stuff?” Seline demanded, murmuring into Kat’s ear.

She had dragged her friend into an alcove of the long metal corridor and was keeping her voice down, even though Nox was already on his way to the Docking Bay. She had made an excuse about forgetting something and had promised to meet him at his ship momentarily, but she wanted to hear from Kat first.

Kat’s blue eyes opened wide.

“Why—like I told you, I don’t think you’ll ever actually have to do anything kinky, as long as you mind your Ps and Qs. Besides, I thought you were interested in that kind of thing.” She nudged Seline with an elbow and grinned knowingly at her. “Weren’t you talking about going to a BDSM club down in Tampa once you get back from this mission?”

“Yes, but I want to be the submissive one who gets sexy punishments,” Seline protested. “I don’t want to have to do the punishing myself!”

“Well, cheer up—as long as Nox behaves perfectly—just like he always does when you two go to Yonnie Six—nobody should have to punish anybody,” Kat comforted her. She took Seline by the arm. “Look, doll, I’m sorry I didn’t mention the weird sexual culture of the Tangle earlier—I should have. I didn’t mean to spring it on you like that.”

Seline sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

“It’s okay—I was just…a little freaked out, that’s all.”

“Don’t be,” Kat soothed her. “You two are going to do great and bring back the other half of the Far Box with no problem. And then when you come back, you can check out that club you’ve been wanting to see. What was it called again?” She pursed her lips, trying to remember.

“Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down,” Seline reminded her. “I do want to check it out—I just wish Nox was coming with me.” She sighed longingly.

“Well, maybe he will. You never can tell what might happen on this mission together.” Kat tapped the carry-all cube Seline was holding and winked. “He might like you in those Barbie-does-Bondage outfits I made for you and get all hot and bothered and dominant.”

Seline giggled.

“I thought you said they were for Slutty Barbie?”

“Well—could go either way.” Kat laughed. “Now, are you ready to go? Because I’m pretty sure your man is waiting for you.”

“He’s not my man—he’s just my Protector,” Seline reminded her.

“For now,” Kat said. “Anyway, do you want me to walk with you to the Docking Bay?”

“No, I’m fine.” Seline gave her friend a hug which Kat returned warmly.

“Knock ‘em dead, doll,” she murmured in Seline’s ear. “And have fun.”

“I will. And I’ll see you back here on the Mother Ship very soon,” Seline promised her. “I’m sure this mission won’t take too long.”

She had no idea how very wrong and how very right she was at the same time…



“Well—here we go again!” Seline settled in the passenger’s seat beside Nox, who was in the pilot’s chair. “Are you excited to go on a new mission?” she asked him.

“As you know, I do not get ‘excited’ about anything, but it is pleasant to be going on another mission with you,” Nox rumbled, looking down at her for a moment.

Seline gave him a flirty smile.

“Well, that’s nice to hear. I’m excited myself—a little apprehensive too, if I’m honest,” she added.

“Why? Do you not believe that I can protect you in this new environment? Or are you worried about having to ‘punish’ me?” Nox asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Oh, I know you can protect me—I always feel safe with you,” Seline told him. “But, no—I don’t like the idea of having to, uh, ‘punish’ you like we’re in some kind of BDSM club!”

“You mentioned those initials before,” Nox remarked. “What do they stand for?”

“Oh—bondage, domination, submission, and masochism, I think,” Seline said, naming them off on her fingers. “They’re uh, human ‘kinks’—you know?”

Nox frowned.

“No, I do not know. What are kinks? And what is the meaning of the words you mentioned? I can assume that ‘bondage’ is restraining someone, but what do the others mean?”