“Yes,” I say wryly, “it’s his room.”

“Good to see the two of you are getting on.” She grins.

I smile, then say, “Last night I was a bit overwhelmed, that’s why I slept here. We didn’t… I mean… We haven’t yet…”

“Damn,” she says, “he’s taking his time. I thought he’d have been in like Flynn.”

“He’s been very sweet.”

“Interesting. That’s not a word I’d ever have associated with Saxon.”


“No. You seem to bring out the best in him.”


She chuckles and unzips the case. “Now, look, I know he wants to take you shopping, or wants me to take you shopping, and I thought we could go out next week and get you some new bits, but until then I wondered if you wanted to borrow a couple of my outfits? I’ve kept all my maternity clothes, you know, for next time.”

“You’re planning on having more kids?”

“Yeah, God willing and all that. I’ve also got lots of baby clothes, although again, Saxon will want new stuff, no doubt.”

“Kip and Damon bought us these,” I say, showing her the onesies.

She laughs. “Oh! How adorable. Bros for life. That’s so cool. Lovely to think they’re already best friends, and they haven’t even been born yet.”

“That’s a nice thing to say.”

She smiles and opens the lid of the case. “Okay, so look, you’ve maybe got an inch or two on me in height, and you’re a bit thinner, but we’re a similar shape. There’s a pair of maternity jeans—see, that elastic bit expands with your bump. There are a few tops, a couple of skirts, and a few pairs of trousers. I didn’t put in any underwear as you’ll want to get your own, and don’t skimp on the bras as they’re really good for breastfeeding. Oh, and look, I thought this might suit you.” She pulls out a dress. It’s short, and probably won’t reach my knees, with wide straps and a square neckline, in a pretty dark-blue material with tiny white flowers, with shirred elastic around the bodice. I’ve never owned anything even remotely like it. I take it from her, stroking the material reverently.

“What size shoe are you?” she asks.

“A ten.”

“I’m a nine, but these are on the big side so they will probably fit you.” She holds up a pair of navy sandals. “I found these really comfortable, and they’re flats, so you don’t have to worry about falling off heels.”

“I’ve never worn heels.”

“It’s probably best not to start now. I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but your center of gravity is all over the place when you’re pregnant. I fell over at least three times throughout my pregnancy. Well, I’m going to love you and leave you. Jackson and Eddie will have wrecked the joint by now. There’ll be apple sauce all over the ceiling and one or both of them will be crying, no doubt, so I’d better get back.”

“Thank you so much,” I say softly.

“You’re very welcome.” She gives me a hug. “I’ll see you around twelve?”

“Yes, okay.”

She pauses at the door. “By the way, has he warned you about his parents’ place?”

“Uh… no.”

Her lips curve up. “If you’ve ever wanted to visit Buckingham Palace, this is the closest you’re going to get in New Zealand.” Grinning, she waves goodbye and disappears.

Holy shit. Well, I knew he was rich, so it shouldn’t really come as a surprise. It’s good that she warned me. At least I know what to expect. I’ll probably get mistaken for one of the servants.


I check on Saxon, see him back at his computer, and leave him to it, returning to the bedroom. I spend some time going through the clothes and eventually decide to wear the dress. I want to surprise him, to see his eyes light up when he looks at me.