I look up into his dark-brown eyes. “Kip said you wear contacts.”


“I didn’t see you take them out.”

“They’re extended wear ones. I wear them for seven days, then change them.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize you could do that. So Kip doesn’t like them?”

“Part of the reason he sticks with glasses is so that people can tell us apart.”

That hadn’t occurred to me. “People still get you mixed up?”

“You did,” he says, smiling.

“True. I couldn’t now I know you, though.”


“Well, your hair is scruffier, for one thing. But I can tell by the way he looks at me. It’s not the same.”


“No. There’s a level of lechery in your gaze that he doesn’t have.”

He smirks. “Damn straight.” His gaze drops to my mouth. “I was thinking, maybe later we should—”

“Now isn’t that a pleasant scene?” The female voice calls from the door by the patio, interrupting him, and we break apart as Kennedy comes into the house pulling a large suitcase behind her.

“Hey, Ken.” Saxon grins at her, and she kisses him on the cheek. Then she comes over to me and, to my surprise, envelops me in a big hug.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” she whispers. “I hated leaving you there last night.”

“I’m okay, thank you.”

“I hope you’re not angry with me for calling Saxon,” she says.

“No. I’m glad you did.”

Her face registers relief. “Phew.”

“Coffee?” Saxon asks her.

“No, I won’t stop. Jackson’s got Eddie, and we’re going shopping before we go to your folks’ place at twelve.” She looks at me. “Are you coming?”

“I haven’t broached the subject yet,” Saxon advises her. He looks at me. “The family often meets up at Mum and Dad’s on Saturdays for lunch. It’s informal, just a chance to catch up. I know they’d love to meet you.”

The thought terrifies me, but I know I’m going to have to meet them at some point. “Okay, I’ll come.”

He looks so pleased that it outweighs my fear, for a while at least.

“Shall I take this through to the bedroom?” he asks, gesturing at the suitcase.

“Yeah, if you could put it on the bed,” she says. “I’ll go through it with you quickly. There are a couple of bits I want to show you.”

I follow them through to the bedroom. Saxon lifts the suitcase on, then says he’s going to leave us to it, and returns to the computer.

Kennedy pushes the door almost closed, then looks around. When her gaze comes back to me, it’s lit with mischievousness.