Even once we got into the monstrosity of his truck and started to drive, there were fans just outside the parking lot gates.

Waving and cheering.

Atlas reassured me those fans were waiting for guys like Sebastian to pull out.

“Can I ask you something?”

I had to break up the silence.

“Is it about fighting?”

“How’d you guess?”

“You’ve been staring at my right hand, love,” he said. “You’re not really good at looking subtly at things or people, are you?”

“Right now? No. I’m tired. I feel… I just feel how I feel.”

Atlas turned his head for a moment. “Are you feeling okay? The baby?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said. I touched my stomach. “It’s nothing like that. If I’m being honest? I feel pregnant. I know that may sound silly but I’m starting to feel a lot of things. Inside myself. If that makes sense.”

“Doesn’t make an ounce of sense to me,” Atlas said. “But I’m not the one with the womb.”

His honesty was a little annoying yet a lot refreshing.

He wasn’t afraid to say what he wanted.

Which actually made me worry for a second or two about what he’d say about me when I was nine months pregnant and could barely walk, when everything was bloated and swollen…


“Um, yeah,” I said. “Sorry. The fighting. Doesn’t it hurt?”

Atlas laughed.

Not sure I ever heard him laugh like that before.

It surprised me and made me gasp.

“Getting punched in the face by some guy?” Atlas asked. “Yes. It does hurt. I’m not immune to pain, love.”

“Yet you still do it? You fight?”

“Part of the game,” he said. “It’s not just about skating down the ice and scoring goals. Even though that’s the main point of it. Think of me as the guy who sets the tone. I make it known you’re not going to fuck around with my team.”

“Okay, that’s kind of cool when you say it that way,” I said.

Atlas laughed again.

I had to look away.

I started to blush.

That’s kind of cool when you say it that way…

That’s what I said but not what I meant.

What I meant?