The thought and sight of you fighting other men and kicking their ass… is really hot.

I walkedout of the bathroom wearing another huge shirt over my body.

I didn’t expect to see Atlas standing in the room.

A sense of vulnerability shot through me.

I wore nothing but a t-shirt and panties.

No bra. No hiding if anything were to happen here…

“Just wanted to know if you needed anything else,” he said. “Glass of water? Shot of whiskey?”

I touched my stomach. “That’s not funny to say to me.”

“Trying to keep the mood light.”

“I’m fine,” I said. “Thanks for the shirt.”

“I’ve got a ton of them.”

I pulled the shirt forward and looked down.

“What one is this? Nashville?”

“That’s right. Only played there for one season. I didn’t jive with the team.”

“That’s surprising,” I said. “You don’t seem like the kind of guy who doesn’t get along with everyone.”

I released my hold on the shirt.

A little bit of room temperature air moved up my shirt and slid over my breasts.

They were sensitive and very tender to begin with.

The air swirled around my nipples and made them instantly hard.

Even though the shirt was very large on me, there wasn’t much hiding certain things.

Like my nipples.

Atlas looked right away.

He even gave a quick nod.

As though he approved.

I crossed my right arm over my body. “Show’s over. Goodnight, Atlas.”

“Goodnight, love.”

That’s when I saw him slightly hesitate.

“Hey,” he said. “Mind if I say goodnight to my baby?”

Now that made my toes curl.

“Of course,” I blurted out without thinking first.