Page 170 of High Stick Heartthrob

Filled with pink balloons and signs that readIT’S A GIRLeverywhere.

The rest of the locker room had pink streamers and balloons.

Banners that said the same -IT’S A GIRL- but another one that read -CONGRATS ATLAS AND HAZEL!

For some reason seeing my name with Hazel’s made me pause.

“Sorry about this,” Henry whispered to me as he walked by.

“Where’s the beer?” Joe called out.

“Wait for everyone to show up,” Sebastian said.

“Who else is showing up?” I asked. “Did you invite Hazel?”

“Not for this one,” Jago said. “This is just for us. Our family here.”

“We’re family now?” I asked.

The locker room swung open again.

In came Coach Denny, but he wasn’t alone.

I gritted my teeth.

Ellen freaking Verwert.

Right behind her?


The billionaire owners of theSola Empire.

“Look at this place!” Oscar yelled. “It looks great!”

“Where’s the cake?” Ellen asked.

“There’s cake?” I growled.

“Once again, sorry about this,” Henry said.

I looked to my left and here came Rome, pushing a small table on wheels with a cake on it.

Rome came toward me and I felt like punching him.

“I’m so happy for you, Atlas,” he said. “I feel like I could cry right now.”

He hugged me.

I stood with my arms at my sides.

I glanced at Henry, who knew to get Rome off me, before I choked him, then slammed him through the cake and table.

Henry peeled Rome away from me.

Oscar and Ellen now stood on the other side of the cake.

Oscar stuck his fingers into his mouth and whistled.