Page 171 of High Stick Heartthrob

Everyone got quiet.

“I’ve still got it,” Oscar declared with a billionaire-dollar smile. “First off, that was one hell of a game out there tonight. There’s nothing like seeing a hockey game in person. The environment is like nothing else. And then the way you all played? What a team we have. We’ve always had good teams, but this one is special. I probably shouldn’t say this in front of your coach, but to hell with the record. You guys are playing with passion. You make me proud!”

A cheesy speech from a cheesy man.

But everyone clapped.

After all, he signed the paychecks, right?

I didn’t clap.

Ellen noticed, then smiled and nodded.

“The reason we’re here tonight,” Ellen said. “Can you believe it’s because of Atlas?”

That got a few chuckles.

“He finally lost his virginity!” Jago called out.

More laughter.

“Your mother said thank you,” I growled.

Jago stepped toward me.

He wants to fight me now?

Joe blocked the path.

“I just want to say,” Ellen began as she glanced at her husband. He nodded. “I just want to say how happy I am to see this turn out the way it did. I enjoy charity. I enjoy it a lot. Hosting events like the one that got us here really does help our city. Now, I don’t want to take credit for what happened or brag… but it’s safe to say that the‘Win a Date With a Hockey Player’really was a smashing success.”

“The only thing that got smashed was Hazel’s uterus,” Jago muttered.

The entire room went silent.

A definitetoo farcomment.

Then out of nowhere Ellen started to giggle.

Her giggling turned into full blown laughter.

She laughed so hard she turned around.

That made me laugh for some reason.

And because I laughed, everyone else laughed.

Oscar whistled again.

This rich guy loved to hear his own voice.

“This is a special team we have,” Oscar said. “ I appreciate you all being here. With that being said, I’m setting my sights right on you, Atlas. You’re going to be a father. One of the greatest journeys a man can ever experience. Now of course I had a son. So I can’t give advice on what it’s like to raise a daughter.”

“It’s torture,” Ellen said. “Good luck, Atlas.”

That’s when I realized everyone started to look at me to say something.

I didn’t do speeches.